Third Project Meeting, Sofia, June 2010

The meeting took place on June 13-14 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The meeting took place at the offices of the hosting partner.

All partner organisations were represented. 


1. Partner progress reports

2. Revisions changes or improvements

3. Handbook - translation and publishing strategy

4. Start for certification trials

5. Dissemination strategies

6. Interim report

Summary of the proceedings:

1. All partners presented a report on the progress they have made in the WPs which they manage.

2. Process observations and discussions on improvements.

3. Ex-ante evaluation of online survey results. Agreement on extending the deadline for new entries until Jul 15. Strong committment by all partners and by the Paedagogical Advisor to promote the survey and improve representativeness of the results.

4. Discussions on improving the coordination of translation work. Agreement to collect all translation tasks in a single google docs spreadsheet. The RO partner is in charge of staying in touch with the UK partner and inform others about new items for translation. Template suggested by the Paedagogical Advisor and accepted by all partners.

5. Assessors Handbook was presented and a pathway was agreed on its translation.

6. Partners agreed to start "test certification" with people from the organisations so that each partner organisation can get a better grasp of the certification process. These tests will also point to areas of potential deficiencies or shortfalls.

7. Partners discussed the participation in various fairs and other forums suitable for project dissemination. Logistics and financing were among the topics.

8. Partners discussed the technicalities concerning the Interim Report to the UK National Agency. Travel and expense documents were collected, attention was given one more time to the excellent practice of online diaries and continuous update and reporting on individual tasks.

Agreed actions:

  • Partners to promote survey responses through friendly competition led by pedagogical adviser - MR - ALL
  • Improve focus for translations using the Google Docs spreadsheet - (GM) - ALL
  • Handbook trial publishing using for English version. If successful extend to other languages IL/JJ
  • Start test certificates internally to embed practice - ALL
  • Partners develop local dissemination strategies relevant to identified local needs - JJ - All
  • All start preparing documentation for Interim report - IL - ALL