colour codes

- these are only the main colours, there are so many more to choose from out there
- also to change the colour of the text etc you have to either put the colour code into another code [ca be found on the page text effects or put the 6 digit colour code into the following code [for writing]
--> <font color="#COLOUR CODE HERE">YOUR TEXT HERE</font>


dark read = #CC0000
light red = #FF0000
dark orange = #FF6600
light orange= #FF9900
golden/dark yellow= #FFCC00
bright yellow = #FFFF00
limb/light green= #CCFF00
dark green = #00CC00
light blue= #CCFFFF
dark blue = #0000CC
light purple = #CC66FF
dark purple = #330066
light pink = #FF66CC
dark pink = #FF0099
light brown = #CC6600
dark brown = #663300
grey = #777777
white = #FFFFFF
black= #000000