Project ideas

This is the place for sharing ideas for projects

For the Silver INGOT it is expected that the candidate will need structured support for organising their work. Gold INGOT candidates will require some help but will be able to work more self-sufficiently and they will show that they can work productively in teams as team members and in some capacity, lead. For Platinum, they should be able to produce practical and useful original work, self-sufficiently unless there is something particularly complex or unusual involved. 

  1. Make a start on building an e-portfolio to show what they have learnt about a subject or subjects
  2. Provide information about Open Source applications that could be useful to other people
  3. Provide a description of a hobby or activity in which they have an interest
  4. Explain a young enterprise project
  5. Provide new games or puzzles to support learning using INGOT open source resources
  6. Blog on a topic reporting news about it
  7. Make a guide to the school or an aspect of the school for new pupils
  8. Contribute to the school web site by providing news on school teams
  9. Write reviews of school arts productions and performances
  10. Make a contribution to Wikipedia or similar on-line resource
  11. Raise money for a partner school in the developing world and blog what was done
  12. Publish a book with an ISBN on
  13. Provide a guide to using a music technology product
  14. Provide a video guide for learning dance sequences
  15. Devise a set of tests for knowledge of social networking
  16. <please add more!>