
Word processing

Silver 1 - Unit 7

Task 1

1.7 I can store and retrieve document files effectively, in line with local guidelines and conventions where available

Save a document in three different formats offered by your word processor and explain the purpose of these formats and what is important to take into account when you are transferring the document to other persons (each software doesn´t work with all formats). Explain the difference between odt (txt, doc) and pdf.

Examples of formats: odt, txt, doc, docx, pdf, html.

Task 2

2.1 I can create and modify tables to organise tabular or numeric information

Create a table in a word processor and save there a list of branches of "your company". There are three branches and each contains following information: name of the company, street, number, town, phone number and e-mail. Format the table using the styles, use the colors, make the table transparent.

Task 3

3.2 I can select and use appropriate techniques to format characters and paragraphs

Copy down an article from newspapers or a book. Write the second article with your name and e-mail address. Concentrate on the format, using the punctuation, spaces, special signs, and further formatting.

(The learner should be able to write an at sign, should know that after punctuation signs there are spaces and Enter should be at the end of the article not the line.)

Task 4

2.2 I can select and apply heading styles to text

Create a text document and from the web page take at least 10 articles of Czech text. Make a title from the first sentence in each article. Format each title using a style and create a structure of three types of titles (title 1, title 2, title 3).


Gold - Unit 7


1.3 I can select and use appropriate templates for different purposes
1.6 I can combine or merge information within a document from a range of sources

Create a new document in a word processor. Transfer the content of your favorite website into this document without increasing of styles (paragraph, sign, etc.) Use the function "insert otherwise" or transfer data through the common word-editor which removes superfluous information. The final document shouldn´t be just black and white, transfer also the tables, pictures, coloured items. Check whether the content is not retrieved from the remoted source but there is saved in the document.



2.1 I can identify the document requirements for structure and style
2.2 I can identify what templates and styles are available and when to use them
2.4 I can select and apply styles to text
3.1 I can identify how the document should be formatted to aid meaning
3.2 I can select and use appropriate techniques to format characters and paragraphs

Create a template for a simple school project in the form A4. Use the styles maximally.

- pages: envelope (without a number, titles, name of the school, author), regular pages (numbers, without resolution even and odd)

- titles in the three levels, graphically differentiated

- summary at the last page



1.7 I can store and retrieve document and template files effectively, in line with local guidelines and conventions where available
2.1 I can identify the document requirements for structure and style

Create a template of a document defined in the task 2. Save the template by that way (using the suitable functions of a word processor), that the template is with standard tools possible to find, modify and use.



1.2 I can use appropriate techniques to enter text and other information accurately and efficiently.
2.4 I can select and apply styles to text
1.6 I can combine or merge information within a document from a range of sources

Create a document and copy a text from a website into the new document. Copy a picture from a computer memory into the new document, make a title of a picture and set up flowing around from left to the right. Save the document and close.





Silver - Module 5


1.1 I can identify what numerical and other data is needed and how the spreadsheet should be structured to meet needs.

1.2 I can enter and edit numerical and other data accurately.

2.1 I can identify how to summarise and display the required information.

3.1 I can select and use appropriate tools and techniques to format spreadsheet cells, rows and columns.

3.5 I can check spreadsheet information meets needs, using IT tools and making corrections as appropriate.

Create a new document in a spreadsheet, enter into headings of columns the titles: Surname, Name, Date of birth, Address, Gender, Age. Use the styles for cells and define the types according to required information - text, date, number for age. Format the headings using the styles (dark background, light font). Document save with a name "attendance list".



1.2 I can enter and edit numerical and other data accurately.

2.2 I can use functions and formulas to meet calculation requirements

2.3 I can use spreadsheet tools and techniques to summarise and display information.

3.5 I can check spreadsheet information meets needs, using IT tools and making corrections as appropriate

Insert at least 3 lines of data into a list created in the task 1 except the column Age (Insert data into columns: Surname, Name, Date of birth, Address, Gender.) Gender insert using the words Male and Female. For calculation of age use the function YEARS or similar one. Copy the function to other cells in the column Age. Into a cell outside the defined columns save the number of persons, use the function COUNT, summarize the items in the column Age. Explain the difference between the functions SUM and COUNT.



3.2 I can identify which chart or graph type to use to display information

3.5 I can check spreadsheet information meets needs, using IT tools and making corrections as appropriate

Fill the attendance list created in the task 1 and 2 by at least 10 lines of data. Count the age in all lines (task 2). Make a chart which will display the person´s surname and age. Insert a line of average value into the chart. The chart will content the titles of axis and a legend.



3.4 I can select and use appropriate page layout to present and print spreadsheet information

3.5 I can check spreadsheet information meets needs, using IT tools and making corrections as appropriate

Print the chart created in the task 3 on A4 page width. Assign the list heading with the suitable name (e.g. Age of participants according to Attendance list). Remote the foot. When needed use the modification of printing area.




Silver 1 - Unit 10

Task 1

1.4 I can identify any constraints which may affect the presentation

Name (write down) problems that may occur during personal presentation before an audience. Indicate how to prevent them or how to solve them, if they can not be avoided.

(for example: projector isn´t compatible with your laptop, problems with switching the display between laptop and projector, low resolution of a projector, blackout, broken network connection, USB drive unreadable, unknown operating system or presentation software, etc.)

Task 2

1.6 I can store and retrieve presentation files effectively, in line with local guidelines and conventions where available

Create a simple presentation online (for example Google Docs). Save it with the meaningful name, e.g. like the event´s name where you should present. Close the web browser, start it again and open the presentation for editing. Finally activate the presentation, it means start to present. The same is possible to do offline in your PC software.

Task 3

3.1 I can identify how to present slides to meet needs and communicate effectively

Explain a schedule of your presentation and process of realization (sequence and coherence). Define time for each slide (number of minutes, reserve) and how you are going to plan your timing and check during the presentation. Give basic examples of good communication with the audience (eyes contact, strength of voice), let solving unexpected situations (technical problems, dissenting opinions).


Silver 1 - Unit 11

Task 1

1.3 I can enter structured data into records to meet requirements.

Insert data into a prepared table (data structure), follow the types definitions. Use the program LibreOffice Base or database My SQL or other suitable tool, for example PortaBase

Task 2

1.1 I can identify the main components of a database

Describe what is a database, what are its typical components, how to work with it.

(Forms, tables, questions, see e.g. nebo

Task 3

2.1 I can identify queries which meet information requirements.

2.2 I can run simple database queries.

Assemble the query (e.g. in SQL), which display an expected output, e.g. number of records in the table or records containing a particular value. Verify its functionality in suitable software, e.g. PHPMyAdmin or LibreOffice Base.