Minutes of the meeting 19th October
Present: As per the signed register
Each partner gave a presentation of their organisation, interests and expertise.
The group went through each of the work packages with an emphasis on outcome deliveries.
WP1 - Agreed to establish the management administration on the INGOT web site using shared web pages and the forums. A Google Docs spreadsheet will be used to keep track of resources and linked back to the project pages.
WP2 - Initial training will be provided on day two so that all understand the pedagogical methods. This is especially so for the Netherlands partner as they have the least experience.
WP3 - Supporting resources will be reviewed by Czech partner and a list of suggestions to fit the plans starting with the criteria for "Listening" at the higher level "P scales". These will be presented initially to the external pedagogical adviser and a production plan finalised.
WP4 - Translations - each partner will start by translating the existing assessment criteria on the Awards site. Spanish partner will manage the process.
WP5 - Quality assurance criteria will be drawn up by the Netherlands. They will provide liaison with the external pedagogical adviser and the partners to ensure that QA procedures are manageable and effective.
WP6 - Certification trials. There is such a wide range of different types of special needs, partners will need to find a local focus for certification trials. Romanian partner will coordinate initial market research and establish the specific target groups identified by each partner.
WP7 - In the valorisation process, the political dimension is important. All partners will contact their EuroMP to see if we can achieve a political grouping to further the concept of a Special Needs Accreditation framework under-pinning the EQF. UK partner has a meeting date with his EuroMP in January. DE partner will devise a press release to be the basis for all partners for an official launch in the new year. They will produce a draft project brochure and draft schedule for attendance at exhibitions and conferences.
Next partner meeting will be in Berlin end of January where we will do further training in assessment and moderation.
Minutes meeting 20th October
The website was presented with the P-scale criteria, how to set up accounts and how to grade learners.
There was discussion of different types of special needs and the way the P-scale framework can be related to the structure of the EQF.
Main outcome was familiarisation with the plans and the start of turning planning strategy to practice.