16-18th September 2010
1. Presentation of the INGOTs
2. What is needed by Granada University to participate
Julio Jiminez, Ian Lynch, Rosemary Lynch, Laura Lopez, Veronika Plaza, members of Granada Uni. Open Source Software dept.
IL and RL presented the INGOTs, and related the philosophy and methods to Open Systems and Open Source Software. LL and VP translated and questions were received at the end.
The main issue for Granada University is the need for formal controlled testing whereas the INGOTs is designed for evidence collecting against competence based criteria. There is no reason why tests can not be devises that are based on the criteria. The main challenge is that there was no budget allocated to this. As discussed in Bulgaria, a solution to this problem is to restructure the travel and subsistence budget to save money to redeploy on this work.
IL and RL to produce a proposal for restructuring the T&S budget in order to support new work while ensuing that previously agreed outcomes are met.
A supplementary meeting with just the partners from the project was convened. IL went over new evidence gathering technology and there was discussion about the work packages. It was agreed that all partners should be supported in publishing the handbook translations using Lulu.com. There is a need to publish the handbook in web pages to support referencing. Once the restructuring is agreed with the National Agency the schedule for dissemination events should be finalised for the partner countries.