Experience in teaching
Gender F/M
Do you think that students with Special Educational Needs represent a large number in schools?
Yes / No
Were there any SEN children in the groups of students taught by you?
What type of SEN are most common in classes?
- mental deficiency
- neuro – motor disabilities
- social adaptation difficulties
- deafness
- blindness
- others (please specify)
Do you consider the school staff prepared to work with SEN students?
Yes / No/ Partially
What knowledge is required in working with SEN students?
Do you think that the curriculum was accomplished on the same degree for the SEN students and non SEN student?
Yes / No/ Partially
What low-cost methods and technologies for students’ preparation on the progressive route, over the European Qualification Frame are you familiar with?
Enumerate three methods and two teaching technologies.
How do you design your methods of evaluation for the qualifications based on competences structured in learning results units?
Which features from SEN students qualifications are the most attractive? Enumerate 3 features.
Do you consider that SEN students can be assisted to acquire European Qualification Frame through VET online programs?
Yes / No / Partially
12. What are the teaching innovations required in order to develop professional competences in SEN students?