Agenda Tuesday 6th September 2011
0900 - Introduction. Summary of where we are and where we need to be for the report.
0930 - Partner report on their WPs. (CZ) (Outcome results complete, outcome results to be completed, support required)
1000 - Partner report on their WPs. (DE) (Outcome results complete, outcome results to be completed, support required)
1030 - Leave for Consorcio Fernando de los Ríos
1100 - Presentation at Consorcio Fernando de los Ríos
1400 - Partner report on their WPs. (Ro) (Outcome results complete, outcome results to be completed, support required)
1430 - NL QA questionnaires - (UK)
1500 - Partner report on their WPs. (UK) (Outcome results complete, outcome results to be completed, support required)
1530 - Partner report on their WPs. (ES) (Outcome results complete, outcome results to be completed, support required)
1600 - Plenary - What are the priorities for the IR?
Any further training or information needs. It is essential that Rosemary has all the information required for the IR so the same system as for the INGOT project should apply to SAFE when presenting. INGOT is the highest priority because there is no way to pick up deficiencies after 30th September, the official end of the project. We have a little more flexibility with SAFE but it will still be useful to have everything as accurate as possible by the 30th.
Present: IL, RL, AS, II, KN, CS, GM, MR, BM, LR, VPF, JJ
Apologies: FJS - NL
IL went over the feedback from the NA based on the meeting with them in Birmingham. We have already addressed the main issues.
BM has more on the dissemination planning and will present with DE info. later.
In the Czech Republic there is strong interest in the project expressed through the dyslexia association and work with teacher associations and schools following on from the INGOT project. Supporting games development is on schedule with results at
German links to Doris Pack the Chair of the LLL committee in Brussels is proving very fruitful. She will arrange a meeting with the MEPs for UK, NL, CZ for certain. Need to see how we can also involve BG and RO. AS has made contacts with BG officials who are interested in the policy aim of the project to establish an EU wide framework for accrediting achievements of learners with SEN. Once we have a specific date we will plan a presentation for the meeting with MEPs and propose that there should be in principle agreement for SEN provision to under-pin the EQF. At present the Pscales describe competencies in detail. An EQF equivalent would need to distil the detail down to more generic level descriptors to which other national frameworks could be referenced. Although this was not a specific part of the original plan it should be considered at least in principle before the meeting.
BM has devised a very detailed and complete dissemination plan . This was discussed at length. The new Pscales logo

has been made into badges so that we can project the project identity at meetings and other dissemination events.
FJS could not attend but distributed an on-line questionnaire for partners which has been checked for English etc. This questionnaire is designed to support the project evaluation. All partners have received it and most have completed it.
The delayed market research questionnaire is now ready. It has been through a QA process to check the style of the questions and the English and is ready for translations where appropriate and and then putting out. It is more specialised and so getting a statistically valid sample might be difficult so partners need to try to disseminate it as widely as possible.
In terms of existing National Frameworks, apart from the PScales in the UK no partner has evidence of these in their country. This means that Pscales are truly innovative and the transfer is important, particularly in the context of the EQF.
We need to finalise the wording for at least a subset of the Pscales to carry out the trials. Clearly it is not possible to trial all levels in all subjects and we have already some difficulties in localising to partner languages based on semantic meaning rather than literal translation. We need to start trials early to ensure we can meet the project target of 1000 certificates in the trials.
Translations have been completed mostly in line with the schedule but there are some outstanding areas because we made some significant changes to the way the site can technically support translation. Although this has caused a temporary delay, it should speed things up considerably especially if we find we need to re-translate criteria as a result of trials.
On-line training support is on the web site and a draft handbook has been produced. It needs to go through QA checking and will then be ready for translation.
In response to user feedback we have developed a very comprehensive progress tracking and reporting system that can support individual education plans. This is a major work beyond the scope of the original project plan but it is seen as essential for end users and so it was undertaken and will be funded by partner contribution. We don't expect this to have any impact on the project results other than minor changes in order or timings.
Actions -
CZ - KN to carry on with games and informing partners (ES) when new games are complete and ready for translation.
DE - BM/MR to inform all partners as soon as the meeting time is finalised with Doris Pack. BM/MR to draft an outline plan for presentation to MEPs for partner discussion.
ES - LR Check all translations are up to date in line with the Gant Chart and monitor those items still awaiting completion before translation. Key items are Drupal User Interface , Games , Assessor training , Questionnaire, See Georgeta for link, Handbook. (IL to provide when QA complete)
RO - Pass link for finalised questionnaire to NL and UK for a final check. Start planning certification trials and coordinate partners.
NL - Check the questionnaire and provide interim report on quality assurance.
UK - QA the handbook and notify ES when ready for translation. Provide documentation for TLM tracker. Circulate Interim Report forms for partner information collection.
All - Collect any news media publicity, attach all evidence to the interim report web page. Pass on any user interface translation needs to ES.