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Press release to launch the project have been devised download here [1] This turned out to be less effective than we had hoped so we have channelled energies to other activities that are more focused on targeting those that were influential and showing a specific interest. As a specific example of this we put considerable effort into getting a meeting with MEPs. This meeting took place in Brussells last December and included Doris Pack MEP, Dr Kovachev MEP (BG) and Malcolm Harbour MEP (UK). Hands Vrind, Chairman of Workability Europe, the umrella organistaion for sheltered workshops across Europe also attended. We put considerable effort into planning a follow up project through the Dutch partner that would enable us time to publicise the results of the current project and extend the principles to vocational qualifications relevant to the sheltered workshops once they were complete but unfortunately that application was not successful. We have strong sustainable links in Czech Republic, Netherlands, Romania and UK in particular as a result of this strategy. A key strategic partner in the UK is ASDAN [2]. ASDAN is an OFQUAL regulated awarding organisation set up to provide qualifications in special schools and special needs departments in mainstream schools. ASDAN and TLM are currently carrying out a joint pilot to support the achievement continuum, a progression route supported by the UK national qualifications admonistration for learners with special needs, using the technologies developed in the INGOT and SAFE projects. Since ASDAN has a presence in 6000 centres this alliance is the most likely means of sustaining the project post-funding. Since there is a clear identified need to maintain the project even in countries like Germany and Spain where it has proved difficult to involve teachers and schools in the pilots, having the potential for financial sustainability in the UK is particularly important to maintain the links long enough for the climate to become more supportive and for new means to be devised for financing further development and extending to the million people with special needs employed in Sheltered Workshops. |
Result 1 [3] Result 2 [4] Result 3 [5] Result 4-11 [6] Result 12 [7] Result 13 [8] Result 14 [9] Result 15 [10] Result 16 [11] Result 17 [12] Result 18 [13] Additional Results [14] (Result 19) |
Left to right Hans Vrind, Chairman Workability Europe Ian Lynch UK SAFE project Doris Pack MEP Chair EU Cultural and Education Committee Manfred Reiter DE SAFE project |
Selection of publicity and dissemination activities.Article in the local newspapers [15] Article in the Almanac published by the Czech Dyslexia Association [16] Article on the webpage www.vasedeti.cz (Your Children) [17] (Article is about the Conference focused on Specific learning disorders held in Prague, November 2011. SAFE project was presented there (click to see the picture from the conference [18]) Czech education journal p32 [19] Article in the journal Modern Education [20] (04/2012) Article in German newspaper [21] Bulletin board for Germany [22] Example presentation in partner language [23] (Spanish) (Click on the links for more information) |
[1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1agibcMvPRVxahoFRKDqxQ20AVOSuzfPn_TSvwSvpN-k/edit?hl=de
[2] http://www.asdan.org.uk/
[3] https://theingots.org/community/SR1
[4] https://theingots.org/community/SR2
[5] https://theingots.org/community/SR3
[6] https://theingots.org/community/SR4
[7] https://theingots.org/community/SR12
[8] https://theingots.org/community/SR13
[9] https://theingots.org/community/SR14
[10] https://theingots.org/community/SR15
[11] https://theingots.org/community/SR16
[12] https://theingots.org/community/SR17
[13] https://theingots.org/community/SR18
[14] https://theingots.org/community/SR19
[15] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user4500/publicity%20in%20KM%20Denik.JPG
[16] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user4500/publicity%20SAFE%20in%20almanac%20CDA%20Sept%202011.jpg
[17] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user4500/article%20SAFE%20at%20vasedeti.cz%20%28Your%20Children%29.doc
[18] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user4500/Dyskorunka_foto_2.JPG
[19] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user4/My%20files/other%20files%28PDF%29/RS_08_12_zlom.pdf
[20] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user4500/publicita_SAFE_Modern%20Education.JPG
[21] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user4/My%20files/photos%28JPG%29/SZ_20120223.jpg
[22] http://www.pscales.info/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2&e=0
[23] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user4/My%20files/other%20files%28PDF%29/pscales_handoutSP.pdf