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SAFE seminar in the Czech Republic Exhibitions and events and dissemination meetingsThese are summarised on the report. In addition to those there were at least as many informal contacts that were not specifically documented. At the ouset there were core events planned but it was impossible to predict where dissemination opportunities would arise so we agreed to follow up those that had the best chance of promoting sustainability locally. UK - Conference of the National Association for Special Educational Needs. Numerous visits to Special Schools across the country to gain feedback and to raise awareness. One outcome is a raised awareness of the EU LLL programme with fresh interest in taking part in the Comenius programme. 22 special schools are currently taking part in the project. Personal meeting with Malcolm Harbour MEP. Personal meeting with Chris Pincher MP. NL - Several meetings with CEDRIS, the Dutch umbrella organization for the sheltered workshops. CEDRIS has 95 organisational members representing 120,000 people. In addition contact has been made with Nas Vrind the Chairman of Workability Europe, the umbrella organisation for all sheltered workshops across Europe. These links have been combined with the DE, UK and CZ links to MEPs with a view to enable a proposal to be put forward that will galvanise sustainability. CZ - Meetings involved the pedagogical-psychological centres in the Czech Republic located in Prague (http://www.dyscentrum.org [1]) and Brno (http://www.pppbrno.cz [2]). This provides the target group of about 80 psychologists and teachers specialized for SEN. We are targeting them for extending the assessor pool. Czech Dyslexia Association meeting to enable them as a channel for project dissemination. Contact in touch with 2 Czech MEPs: Richard Falbr (http://www.europarl.europa. Conference organized by the Czech Ministry of Education in Prague, 22nd May 2012, the main topic: Individual Educational Plan [5], SAFE was presented by Dr. Lenka Krejcova. Because of high interest in the conferrence, another one is planned for September 2012.
DE - In contact with goverment and university education departments as well as Doris Pack MEP provided the best chance of setting an agenda for policy that would make sustainable take up most likely to be achieved. On-going dissemination. [6]
Ro - Meetings with schools and officials in the Rm Valcea region. Contacts through the schools inspectorate and those responsible for minority and disadvantaged groups.
BG - Meeting with a range of teachers through INGOT academies to further extend channels to special needs end-users. Meetings with teachers at Sofia's 30th Bratya Miladinovi School to present P-scales and discuss SEN cases within the schools (dyslexia and attention deficit), Meeting with academics and practitioners at Annual Teachers' Conference in Sofia. Presenting P-scales and discussing possible integration in developing policies and good practices in SEN schools and in SEN cases within mainstream schools. Discussion focused on need for extra teacher training to meet SEN challenges. Meeting with MEP and application for an ESF grant in partnership with the UK to focus on getting SAFE results accepted into national education system. Other supporting results Original Logo [9] New improved logo. [10] (second letter to Doris Pack MEP) [11] Target group presentations (Openoffice.org download for free from www.oprnoffice.org [12])
Pscale promotions and information site http://www.pscales.info/wordpress [17] Dissemination in the UK National Conference for Special Educational Needs (Click on the links for more information) |
Result 1 [18] Result 2 [19] Result 3 [20] Result 4-11 [21] Result 12 [22] Result 13 [23] Result 14 [24] Result 15 [25] Result 16 [26] Result 17 [27] Result 18 [28] Additional Results [29] (Result 19) |
[1] http://www.dyscentrum.org/
[2] http://www.pppbrno.cz/
[3] http://www.europarl.europa.eu/members/expert/groupAndCountry/view.do?group=2953&country=CZ&partNumber=1&language=EN&id=23840
[4] http://www.europarl.europa.eu/members/expert/groupAndCountry/view.do?group=2953&country=CZ&partNumber=1&language=EN&id=96718
[5] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user4500/Pozv%C3%A1nka%20%20Individu%C3%A1ln%C3%AD%20vzd%C4%9Bl%C3%A1vac%C3%AD%20pl%C3%A1n%2022%205%202012.pdf
[6] http://www.saarbruecker-zeitung.de/sz-berichte/dillingen/Schmelz-Huettersdorf-Reiter-Messe-Didacta;art2809,4192008#.UJjkHO7mh21
[7] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user4/ES_safe.JPG
[8] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user1422/disseminationstrategy.pdf
[9] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user1422/My%20Files/clipart%28PNG%29/logo_pscales.jpg
[10] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user4/My%20files/photos%28JPG%29/pscales_logo_kids.jpg
[11] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user1422/d_brief_anfrage_EuAbgeordneteDP.pdf
[12] http://www.oprnoffice.org
[13] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user1422/Pscales_teachers_new2011.odp
[14] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user1422/My%20Files/other%20files%28PDF%29/pscales_handoutEN.odp
[15] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user4512/pscales_handoutSP.pdf
[16] https://theingots.org/community/sites/default/files/uploads/user1422/CZ_pscales%20prezentace.odp
[17] http://www.pscales.info/wordpress
[18] https://theingots.org/community/SR1
[19] https://theingots.org/community/SR2
[20] https://theingots.org/community/SR3
[21] https://theingots.org/community/SR4
[22] https://theingots.org/community/SR12
[23] https://theingots.org/community/SR13
[24] https://theingots.org/community/SR14
[25] https://theingots.org/community/SR15
[26] https://theingots.org/community/SR16
[27] https://theingots.org/community/SR17
[28] https://theingots.org/community/SR18
[29] https://theingots.org/community/SR19