Safe - WP 6 - Field Trials



Owner RO

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Resource allocation

Partner Manager - days Research - days Technical - days Admin - days
UK 2 8 3 4
DE 2 8 0 4
ES 2 8 0 4
RO 25 11 0 40
NL 2 8 0 4
CZ 2 8 0 4
BG 2 5 0 4



Phase 1

Market research interim report on needs in each partner country.

End of phase report

Phase 2


Market research final report on needs in each partner country.

Initial certification trial complete 100 certificates


End of phase report

Phase 3

Second certification trial 300 certificates


End of phase report

Phase 4

Final certification trial total of 1000 certificates.


End of phase report


Travel and subsistence