Food Safety - guidance for the criteria


The candidate can plan and review their work in food hygiene and the factors affecting the safe preparation of food.  Activities that are at times non-routine or unfamiliar can be dealt with competently.  As a result of reviewing their work, they will be able to ensure a safe food environment. Any aspect that is unfamiliar will require support and advice from other people which they will recognise and take appropriate steps to ensure safety is the highest priority at all times. 
A work activity will typically be ‘non-routine or unfamiliar’ because the task or context is likely to require some preparation, clarification or research beyond the scope of the normal and regular working environment. For example, when new equipment or types of food are introduced to the work place. 
Example of context – Receiving food from a supplier and storing it appropriately. Dealing with food waste, preparing food for cooking. Cooking and presenting food to consumers.

Assessor's guide to interpreting the criteria

General Information

QCF general description for Level 2 qualifications

  • Achievement at QCF level 2 (EQF Level 3) reflects the ability to select and use relevant knowledge, ideas, skills and procedures to complete well-defined tasks and address straightforward problems. It includes taking responsibility for completing tasks and procedures and exercising autonomy and judgement subject to overall direction or guidance.
  • Use understanding of facts, procedures and ideas to complete well-defined tasks and address straightforward problems. Interpret relevant information and ideas. Be aware of the types of information that are relevant to the area of study or work.

  • Complete well-defined, generally routine tasks and address straightforward problems. Select and use relevant skills and procedures. Identify, gather and use relevant information to inform actions. Identify how effective actions have been.

  • Take responsibility for completing tasks and procedures subject to direction or guidance as needed.


  • Standards must be confirmed by a trained Gold Level Assessor or higher eg by gaining more than 66% in the food hygiene exam and/or demonstrating competence directly against the assessment criteria in the work place.

  • Assessors must at a minimum record assessment judgements as entries in the on-line mark book on the certification site.

  • Routine evidence of work used for judging assessment outcomes in the candidates' records of their day to day work will be available from their e-portfolios and on-line work. Assessors should ensure that relevant web pages are available to their Account Manager on request by supply of the URL.

  • When the candidate provides evidence of matching all the criteria to the specification subject to the guidance below, the assessor can request the award using the link on the certification site. The Account Manager will request a random sample of evidence from candidates' work that verifies the assessor's judgement or use the evidence from the terminal examination.

  • When the Account Manager is satisfied that the evidence is sufficient to safely make an award, the candidate's success will be confirmed and the unit certificate will be printable from the web site.

  • This unit should take an average level 2 learner 10 hours of work to complete.

Assessment Method

Assessors can  score each of the criteria N, L, S or H. N indicates no evidence. L indicates some capability but some help still required. S indicates that the candidate can match the criterion to its required specification. H indicates performance that goes beyond the expected in at least some aspects. Candidates are required to achieve at least a S on all the criteria to achieve the full award.

Expansion of the assessment criteria

1. Candidates will understand how individuals can take personal responsibility for food safety

The key here is in taking responsibility and accepting that they are accountable for keeping other people safe.

1.1 I can outline the importance of food safety procedures, risk assessment, safe food handling and behaviour.

Candidates should be able to briefly explain why food safety procedures, risk assessment, safe food handling and behaviour are important.
Evidence: will be provided directly from observation in the workplace, oral discussion and the terminal examination.
Additional information and guidance

1.2 I can describe how to report food safety hazards.

Candidates should be able to describe established local procedures for reporting food safety hazards.
Evidence: will be provided directly from observation in the work place, oral and/or written work and from the terminal examination.
Additional information and guidance
1.3 I can outline the legal responsibilities of food handlers and food business operators

Candidates should be able to communicate the most important legal responsibilities related to food safety.

Evidence: will be provided directly from observation in the work place, oral and/or written work and from the terminal examination.
Additional information and guidance

2. Candidates will understand the importance of keeping him/herself clean and hygienic

The key here is for the candidate to be aware of the issues relating to their own cleanliness and hygiene and how this relates to their environment.  

2.1 I can explain the importance of personal hygiene in food safety including its role in reducing the risk of contamination

Candidates should be able to explain why specific aspects of personal hygiene are important in relation to contamination. 

Additional information and guidance

2.2 I can describe effective personal hygiene practices, for example, protective clothing, hand washing, personal illnesses, cuts and wounds

Candidates should provide evidence to the assessor that they can describe the most important personal hygiene practices.

Evidence: Evidence from direct witness from oral testing, audio recording or written text.

Additional information and guidance

3. Candidates will understand the importance of keeping the work areas clean and hygienic.

The key here is for the candidate to be aware of the issues relating to working in a clean environment when handling or preparing food. 

3.1 I can explain how to keep the work area and equipment clean and tidy to include cleaning and disinfection methods, safe use and storage of cleaning chemicals and materials, and waste disposal.

The candidate should be able to explain methods and procedures in the local circumstances for managing cleanliness. 
Evidence: Oral examination, written or recorded explanation, results of the terminal exam. 
Additional information and guidance

3.2 I can state how work flow, work surfaces and equipment can reduce contamination risks and aid cleaning.

The candidate should carry out simple risk assessments associated with methods and environments.

Evidence: Oral examination, written or recorded explanation, results of the terminal exam.
Additional information and guidance

3.3 I can outline the importance of pest control.

The candidate should demonstrate that they understand common pests likely to be a problem in their environment and how to deal with them.
Evidence: Oral examination, written or recorded explanation, results of the terminal exam.
Additional information and guidance

4. Candidates will understand the importance of keeping food safe

The key here is that the candidate understands the consequences of unsafe food.

4.1 I can state the sources and risks to food safety from contamination and cross-contamination, including microbial, chemical, physical and allergenic hazards.

The candidate should be able to explain the terms contamination and cross-contamination and the 4 broad classifications of hazards.
Evidence: Oral examination, written or recorded explanation, results of the terminal exam.
Additional information and guidance

4.2 I can explain how to deal with food spoilage including recognition, reporting and disposal.

The candidate should be able to identify spoilt food and be familiar with procedures for reporting it and where relevant safe disposal.
Evidence: Oral examination, written or recorded explanation, results of the terminal exam.
Additional information and guidance

4.3 I can describe safe food handling practices and procedures for storing, preparing, cooking, chilling, reheating, holding, serving and transporting food.

The candidate should be able to describe safe practices related to their work with food. 
Evidence: Oral examination, written or recorded descriptions, results of the terminal exam.
Additional information and guidance

4.4 I can explain the importance of temperature controls when storing, preparing, cooking, chilling, reheating, holding,serving and transporting food.

The candidate should be able to explain temperature effects on food. 

Evidence: Oral examination, written or recorded explanation, results of the terminal exam.
Additional information and guidance

4.5 I can describe stock control procedures including deliveries, storage, date marking and stock rotation.

The candidate should be able to describe the important aspects of stock managment.

Evidence: Oral examination, written or recorded explanation, results of the terminal exam.
Additional information and guidance

5. Terminal Examination

In the terminal examination must achieve a minimum of 20 marks.


The assessor should keep a record of assessment judgements made for each candidate and make notes of any significant issues for any candidate. They must be prepared to enter into dialog with their Account Manager and provide their assessment records to the Account Manager through the on-line mark book. They should be prepared to provide evidence as a basis for their judgements through reference to candidate e-portfolios and through signed witness statements associated with the criteria matching marks in the on-line markbook. Before authorizing certification, the Account Manager must be satisfied that the assessors judgements are sound.