Level 2 Unit LLS2: Using tools in a vocational area
- These learning outcomes aim to help students know tools and equipment suitable for an agreed activity by describing the tools and equipment and their purpose for the activity.
- To assess these learning outcomes, you can use a variety of methods, such as written or oral tests, presentations, demonstrations, or portfolios.
- For each learning outcome, you can use the following guidance:
1.1 Describe tools and equipment suitable for an agreed activity
This outcome helps students to describe the tools and equipment that are suitable for an agreed activity and to explain how they match the requirements or specifications of the activity. You can ask students to identify the tools and equipment that they will need or use for the activity and to describe their features or characteristics (e.g., size, shape, material, function, etc.). You can also ask students to compare and contrast different tools and equipment and to justify their choices or recommendations.
1.2 Describe the purpose of tools and equipment for an agreed activity
This outcome helps students to describe the purpose of the tools and equipment that are suitable for an agreed activity and to explain how they help them to achieve the objectives or outcomes of the activity. You can ask students to describe how they will use the tools and equipment for the activity and what benefits or advantages they will provide (e.g., efficiency, accuracy, safety, quality, etc.). You can also ask students to demonstrate or illustrate how they will use the tools and equipment for the activity and to evaluate their effectiveness or suitability.
These learning outcomes aim to help students use tools and equipment for an agreed activity by using suitable tools and equipment and describing and following safety precautions associated with them.
To assess these learning outcomes, you can use a variety of methods, such as written or oral tests, presentations, demonstrations, or portfolios.
2.1 Use suitable tools and equipment for an agreed activity
This outcome helps students to use suitable tools and equipment for an agreed activity and to demonstrate their skills and competence in using them. You can ask students to use the tools and equipment that they have identified or described for the activity and to follow the instructions or guidelines for using them. You can also ask students to show or explain how they use the tools and equipment for the activity and what results or outcomes they achieve.
2.2 Describe and follow safety precautions associated with the tools and equipment used for an activity
This outcome helps students to describe and follow safety precautions associated with the tools and equipment used for an activity and to demonstrate their awareness and responsibility for health and safety. You can ask students to describe the potential hazards or risks associated with the tools and equipment used for the activity and how they can prevent or minimize them. You can also ask students to follow the safety precautions that they have described or that are provided by the manufacturer or the supervisor (e.g., wearing protective clothing or equipment, checking the condition of the tools and equipment, storing them properly, etc.).
3.1 Outline the care and maintenance needed for the tools used for an agreed activity
This outcome helps students to outline the care and maintenance needed for the tools used for an agreed activity and to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of how to keep the tools in good condition and working order. You can ask students to outline the care and maintenance procedures that are required or recommended for the tools used for the activity (e.g., cleaning, lubricating, sharpening, repairing, replacing, etc.) and how often they should be done. You can also ask students to explain why the care and maintenance are important for the tools (e.g., to ensure safety, efficiency, quality, durability, etc.).