Level 2, Unit 2 - The Understanding and Application of Microsatellites

Level 2, Unit 2 - The Understanding and Application of Microsatellites (4 credits)

1. 1. Understand the current place in the market of microsatellites

2. 2. Review and define the key issues in making a microsatellite

3. 3. Understand the key issues in space deployment

4. 4. Investigate the control, data use and end of life issues related to microsatellites

1.1 I can review the current status of microsatellites in terms of global production and main countries involved 2.1 I understand the need for size reduction in satellite technology 3.1 I can appreciate the cost implications of getting equipment to space 4.1 I can describe how microsatellites are controlled from earth
1.2 I can list and define the key uses of microsatellites 2.2 I can describe some of the key materials used in construction and say why they are used 3.2 I can describe key terms such as "piggyback" in terms of deployment and give examples of how it is used 4.2 I can describe how microsatellites are controlled while in space
1.3 I can describe the main launch vehicles used for deployment and their characteristics 2.3 I can describe the main forces acting on satellites in their lifecycle and how this affects their manufacture 3.3 I can list and define the main propellants used by microsatellites 4.3 I can review the types of data collected by microsatellites
1.4 I can define the main versions of microsatellites including nanosatellites, picosatellites and femtosatellites 2.4 I can describe the main forms of communication used in microsatellites and give examples of their usage 3.4 I can describe the strengths and weaknesses of the main propellants used in space 4.4 I can review the dangers of microsatellites that return to earth when they finish their mission
1.5 I can assess the current market in microsatellites 2.5 I can develop a list of requirements in the manufacture of a microsatellite 3.5 I can describe the different levels of orbit used in microsatellite systems 4.5 I can assess the impact of microsatellites and recommend a possible future use for them
2.6 I can devise my own basic design for a microsatellite and define its purpose 3.6 I can describe the main legal issues relating to microsatellites