Agenda INGOT meeting Bucharest 29th May 2011

Agenda - Minutes edited in-line


1. Work package up dates - please focus on the outcomes and dates related to your work package as provided in the application. We need to know any possible issues related to meeting target deadlines.

(i) WP 1 Management - IL - (Screencasts and questions)

Recap of the management support systems using the web forums, and web site pages and mailing list.

We agreed with the national agency to move some money from the travel budgets to support writing questions to support units, for coding some more games and for producing video screencasts in partner languages to support training.  The number of days allocated to each activity is here.

There is a model for making questions here. Please be sure you understand this and come back to me with any questions. We should have basic screencasts of how to use the Markbook and evidence system in your language uploaded to You Tube. We should have two sets of questions similar to those in the model for each day allocated. We should focus questions on Gold unit 5, Gold unit 7, Gold Unit 9, Gold Unit 10 and Gold Unit 11 - These are the desktop office software where there is more likely to be a need for the test/task approach. We should aim to get this done by the end of July. 

Agreed actions:

  1. Use the safetoi mailing list for general discussion as all are on it. No point in having two separate lists.
  2. Use the forums for developing a topic relevant to project outcomes and link any related resources to the pages.
  3. Use the final report page to describe and make links to the project outcomes.
  4. Visit the question development page for guidance on producing questions. 

(ii) WP 2 Training - IL

All partners now have a full version of the latest Ubuntu Linux distribution on a 2 Gb USB key. All know how to use the key to set up a dual boot on their computers and all are free to copy to as many computers as they want. 

This link is to a series of You Tube videos showing how to get and install Ubuntu. You might find one in your own language if you search. 

Steps to run Ubuntu from a USB key

  1. Set computer to boot from the USB by accessing the computer's BIOS settings.
  2. Put the USB key in a USB port (preferably USB 2 as USB 1 will be a lot slower)
  3. Allow the machine to get to the Ubuntu desktop by booting from the USB
  • (Note this does not write any information to you computer's hard drive so all your data is entirely safe)
  1. You can now use Ubuntu and you can access your Windows files by going to OS link in the file system view.
  2. To install and dual boot with Windows, make sure important data is backed up.
  3. Defrag your Windows installation and decide how much space you want to give Ubuntu on your hard drive. 5- 10 Gig is enough as you can share the Windows folders for things like videos and other data. 
  4. For the new Ubuntu Unity desktop these videos will help with getting familiar with things. Windows 7/Ubuntu comparison  Unity touchscreen

Summary of software applications

  • Audacity for editing soundtracks
  • Avidemux for editing video
  • Inkscape for designing graphics and publicity
  • GIMP for changing file formats from PNG or SVG exported from Inkscape when you want a JPG

Remember to use GIMP for editing images, Inkscape for designing, drawing, aligning objects and text. 

(iii) WP 3 Research/Analysis - AS

No specific actions need to be taken, this part of the project is complete.

(iv) WP 4 Documentation community support - LLR

Agreed actions

Agifodent to produce competitions to generate interest from students. Liasion with GM/CS for Quality Assurance.

(v) WP 5 Translation/Localisation - CS/GM

Agreed actions

CS/GM to identify web site pages that need translation and arrange the translations with the relevant people.

(Can we have a proposed list of pages for consideration by 30th June 2011)

(vi) WP 6 Training manual open systems - AS

Training content on open systems is in web pages.

Agreed actions

IL and AS will produce a Lulu published book for this with a section linking Open Source to Life Long Learning philosophy. First draft targeted for 1st July 2011. Final draft for 31st July 2011.

(vii) WP 7 e-learing resources - KN

This work package is completed

(viii) WP 8 Quality Assurance/certificate trials - GM/CS

Need to get a summative position on quality with regards to outcomes so far compared to what was specified so we can meet all obligations by the end of the project.

Looks like we should achieve the targets set for certificates across the partners

Actions agreed

GM/CS to provide quality report similar to the last one with any recommendations.

All partners to get as many certificates done as possible

(ix) WP 9 Dissemination - LLR JJ

A range of dissemination activities have taken place. There is a need to finalise these activities so that the dissemination budget is exhausted. 

Actions agreed

LLR/JJ to plan the final activities so we meet the requirement for 5 dissemination events and that the budget is used

All to look for any additional opportunities for dissemination, especially leads that could hep sustain development after the grants run out.

2. Technical training on changes to the web site, recording and reporting.

IL led the group on how to use a USB key to download and install Ubuntu. In addition some support for Inkscape, Audacity, Avidemux and mlayer in order to enable production of support materials on the web site using free software.