INGOT Questions Romania

Spreadsheet Software


1. Identify data about the students in a class that can be stored in a spreadsheet for further statistics and establish what software can be used.

2. Use a spreadsheet to enter data on students of a class (ex. name, birth date, subject, average on the first semester, the average for the second semester, the annual average for all students of the class) - the data will be introduced in tables using knowledge about forming a text (ex. the name of a person is written "Mureanu"  the average is numeric with 2 decimal places "7.99", etc.

3. Apply to the previously created spreadsheet a suitable and attractive format (for ex. coloring columns and using color font for the average) and rename it "Students."

4. In the spreadsheet created at the point 1 fill the following fields: scholarship (if average is> 9.5), passed / not passed (if the annual average is <5 per object) and using propriate functions / formulas complete them based on data introduced at the previous paragraph. (Silver)

5. Sort descending the students according to their average. For equal averages will be sort ascending alphabetically by name.

6. Create 2 new spreadsheet (sheet 2 and 3) with the names Students passed and Students not passed

7. Calculate the percentage of the students passed / not passed from the total number of students in the cell K1 and create a new spreadsheet with a graph type "pie" - that will illustrate the situation demanded and call it "Graduated".

8. Apply a filter to the front page "students" and then select students scholarship / no scholarship, copy them into two sheets and call the scholarship / no scholarship

9. Create an absolute reference to display the new sheet named "pupils with maximum average", their names.


Word processing


1. In order to create an invitation for an official ceremony, identify the text and the necessary data to customize it.

2. Use an existing template or create a new one.

3. Enter in a table the data to be processed and placed in the personalized invitation. The table created will be saved in a file with a knew path in order to be used later.

4. Proceed to build / fill the invitation. The written text will be formed and suggestive images will be introduced.

5. The text will corrected for orthography, using the "Spelling and Grammar" tool from the Tools menu.

6. The fields that have to be personalized such as name, address, phone of the person invited will filled automatically from the  table created using mail merge wizard.

7. After mail merge will chosen the paper that will be used to print each document.

8. Will be chosen the models of envelopes in order to write them

9. Write the addresses on envelopes automatically using the Address Book Source template from the File menu.




1. It will created a 2D suggestive image  with 3D elements for its use in presenting the school of origin on various formats: presentations, brochures, leaflets presentation, business cards etc..

2. Determine the elements to be uses for editing and formatting them.

3. Combine different type of information: images, lines and geometric shapes, slogans (text), sounds, movies for more efficient  represent your ideas.

4. Establish the layout.

5. Set up the background of the image and insert the significant elements

6.  Turn into 3D some elements in order to obtain an image more realistic of your draw

7. Set up and save the last artistic details of the application.

8. Post the created material on the school website, with your name, for voting and choosing the most voted material.




1. It will be created a presentation for the school offer for next year and this presentation presentation will include information from various media such as photos, music, movies, etc..

2. First make the presentation outline and decide which are the main themes to develop. Pay attention to use only real, measurable and tangible information. The pupils will be supervised and will express their ideas in group.

3. Determine the software to use for the transcription into practice of  the presentation and what other sources of information can be used.

4. Open a blank presentation and choose the backgroud "Water" , the effect Weel Clockwise 1 and the speed Medium (all those features can be changed)

5. Create the front page and then the rest of presentation (minimum 25 slides) and insert, using "master slide" from the View menu, the logo of the school, in the upper right of each slide.

6. Insert in the presentation videos, images, links, suggestive sounds; all those will be processed with open source software.

7. In creating the presentation take into account not use boring animation, to have the same font for the text and same color to not create any discomfort to view.

8. Set up the slide transition at 7 seconds and "on mouse click".

9. Save the presentation with password.




1. Identify the need to create a school library database.

2. Set to be the information to be processed for example list of books, readers, publishers, authors, etc.

3. Create the tables and the relations between them, the final ERD where the relationships n: n has been solved, establishing also the primary key.

4. Fill the tables with real data collected from the school library.

5. Create queries, forms and reports which meet the needs of the school library and cooperate with the librarian who show the real situation of the library.

6. Correct any errors.

7. Test the application created.

8. Create an user-friendly interface for the application.

9. Save the application with password and copy it in the library computer the application executable and periodically check the proper function and create other versions of it.