Platinum - Unit 40 - Cloud Based Services and Applications
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Activities supporting the assessment of this unit
Example of work at this level
Assessor's guide to interpreting the criteria
General Information
RQF general description for Level 3 qualifications
- Achievement at RQF level 3 (EQF Level 4) reflects the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to complete tasks and address problems that, while well defined, have a measure of complexity. It includes taking responsibility for initiating and completing tasks and procedures as well as exercising autonomy and judgment within limited parameters. It also reflects awareness of different perspectives or approaches within an area of study or work.
Use factual, procedural and theoretical understanding to complete tasks and address problems that, while well defined, may be complex and non-routine.
Address problems that, while well defined, may be complex and non-routine. Identify, select and use appropriate skills, methods and procedures. Use appropriate investigation to inform actions. Review how effective methods and actions have been.
Take responsibility for initiating and completing tasks and procedures, including, where relevant, responsibility for supervising or guiding others. Exercise autonomy and judgement within limited parameters information and ideas
Standards must be confirmed by a trained Platinum Level Assessor or higher
Assessors must at a minimum record assessment judgements as entries in the on-line mark book on the certification site.
Routine evidence of work used for judging assessment outcomes in the candidates' records of their day to day work will be available from their e-portfolios and on-line work. Assessors should ensure that relevant web pages and files are available to their Account Manager on request by supply of the URL.
When the candidate provides evidence of matching all the criteria to the specification subject to the guidance below, the assessor can request the award using the link on the certification site. The Account Manager will request a random sample of evidence from candidates' work that verifies the assessor's judgement.
When the Account Manager is satisfied that the evidence is sufficient to safely make an award, the candidate's success will be confirmed and the unit certificate will be printable from the web site.
This unit should take an average level 3 learner 55 hours TQT to complete.
Assessment Method
Assessors can score each of the criteria N, L, S or H. N indicates no evidence. L indicates some capability but some help still required. S indicates that the candidate can match the criterion to its required specification. H indicates performance that goes beyond the expected in at least some aspects. Candidates are required to achieve at least a S on all the criteria to achieve the full award.
Expansion of the assessment criteria
1. Candidates will Plan select and analyse the connectivity required for cloud based services and applications
1.1 I can describe the connectivity needed for cloud based services to work
connectivity. Some indication of the required performance for specified tasks would be useful. If they want to get some HD video up onto their cloud based video server, then a poor quality 2G connection will not be suitable, so there is a need to plan around connectivity and how much impact it has on tasks overall. It might be useful for them to use this in conjunction with their project so that they may do a check-list of tasks required and describe the connectivity needs of each of these and discuss how they might be met, or at least mitigated. If they combine this with their real-world project, they can carry out some basic connectivity tests for a client and assess how well they work and what some of the main issues were (if any) that needed to be resolved.

1.2 I can analyse the connectivity needed to make cloud based services productive and efficient
1.3 I can critically assess the needs of different devices needed to connect and use the cloud, including any limitations they might have
Candidates should be able to assess in detail connectivity issues, including any limitations.
Evidence: will be provided directly from student portfolios and assessor feedback.
Additional information and guidance
Learners should be able to demonstrate their complete understanding of the range of needs of connectivity for any organisation considering a move to the cloud. One key aspect which is sometimes overlooked is the use of responsive theme designs or sites that use elements such as Flash. As of 2016, Google and Apple will no longer support Flash with their browsers. What impact will this have on connectivity? How many organisations that develop material for devices are designing using HTML5 and what impact will this have on the functionality and usability of various devices. Are some devices more useful than others? What speed and range are required for different environments and how can these be accurately assessed. if limitations are recognised, what general considerations need to be made to address this weakness?
1.4 I can research and recommend applications for cloud based services dependent on needs
Candidates should be able to make realistic and reasoned recommendations to meet real needs based on solid research.
Evidence: will be provided directly from student portfolios and assessor or client feedback.
Additional information and guidance
Learners should be able to match user needs to their clear understanding of applications. They will need to research in detail the different solutions and be able to accurately match these to perceived needs. In some cases, they may be able to make recommendations which exceed client’s needs as they have been so detailed in their research and understanding.
At Level 3 they would be expected to be at this level of professionalism. As with 1.3, it would be useful to deploy various techniques to assess needs such as surveys or interviews. In terms of applications, they should show that they do not rely just on manufacturer’s claims, but research more widely and use opinions from forums and other social media sites.
1.5 I can describe and evaluate the limitations on connectivity based on speed and expected outcomes
Candidates should be able to describe and evaluate connectivity on a range of issues and relate these to expectations and needs.
Any home user will tell you that the 8Mbit connection they are paying monthly for is rarely that fast, especially if they are in a busy area or more than 1km from the exchange. What are the realistic speeds and outcomes from 2G, 3G or 4G compared to wi-fi? What sort of speeds and connectivity quality can you expect from public wi-fi? What sort of considerations should designers of websites make for the variety of devices and speeds connecting to their sites? Should they cater for the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator)? A recent article asked if Windows 10 might have been significantly better if they had designed it for high- end computing equipment (like Apple does with proprietary and non- backwards compatible hardware) than trying to cater for legions of low spec old computers. Even with an 80Mbit fibre Internet connection, a low spec Atom computer still struggles with media rich websites.
2. Candidates will evaluate the account management and costs involved in cloud based services and applications
2.1 I can analyse the requirements for account management
Candidates should be able to demonstrate all of the key aspects of account management and the range of requirements.
What are the key drivers that determine a user’s account and what would they need to be advised when trying to organise a cloud based account for the first time? Much of the cost associated with cloud based services is related to the management of your account. The less you want to know about it and worry, the more you will need to get someone else to do that for you. Some people have multiple accounts for different purposes and many people use free online mail accounts for their “junk” accounts. What criteria do they use for their “premium” accounts?
2.2 I can assess the needs of account management and recommend procedures and processes for optimal use
Candidates should be able to work out what is required of different accounts, in terms of management, and recommend to clients how to optimise these.
use this up, but don’t want to pay for the next level of service, how do you manage your accumulated digital life? Although storage is relatively cheap, this is no real excuse for digital clutter. How do you assist people in managing their data and keeping it to workable levels, given the above example of needing to move it elsewhere. many service providers don’t charge for storing your content, but might charge a great deal for the traffic to and from your account. What technologies can you use in this instance and what options are available? Some systems organise digital artefacts in terms of content, although the blurring of social media systems these days makes it hard to know if the site you are using is for pictures, words or videos, or all three. It might not matter too much in terms of storage, but is it good to spread your digital material over several platforms? Does it really matter? If your system provider does not offer regular back-ups, how will these be managed? What are the sharing options and issues they will need to deal with.
It would be useful if candidates can get access to a linux based network as this will offer the easiest and widest range of account management experience. The Raspberry Pi is a cheap and easy way to achieve this.
2.3 I can verify account management procedures are fit for purpose
2.4 I can evaluate costs associated with cloud based access against requirements
These types of detailed cost analysis decisions need to be explored. It is perfectly legitimate to conclude that it is not worth it for an organisation if there is sufficient evidence to back up the conclusion. Candidates will need to use spreadsheets and other analytical tools to compare and contrast all of the costs factors and look at both direct and indirect costs to make sure they get a complete picture. In a small number of cases, the company they are investigating for might be happy with additional costs as the benefits are significant in terms of productivity or efficiency.
In this competitive world, the slightest edge over competitors can have a huge impact.
Some of the costs will be related to the set-up and ongoing costs, as well as other charges. Many cloud solution providers offer web pages where different parameters can be “dialed in” to see the potential costs.
2.5 I can describe and recommend account management packages based on value for money and suitability
Candidates should be able to analyse the main account management packages against criteria for value and whether they are suitable for the client.
There are multiple services that can be deployed, depending on the type of service needed and the type of user. Once the server or service has been deployed, there are then more detailed control panels for management. More traditional servers, or indeed virtual machines, offer account management via software such as CPanel or Webmin.
TLM partner organisations should be able to provide cloud based servers and control panels if candidates can’t secure these themselves.
Most site also have some sort of documentation to help users.
2.6 I can use/evaluate different tools/control panels/portals to manage cloud based products
Candidates should be able to use and appreciate the features of various control software systems.
2.7 I can compare several different offerings and recommend the best one based on cost, services and account flexibility
Candidates should be able to summarise all of their research and trial work
2.8 I can use account management techniques in line with local guidelines and legal restrictions
Candidates should be able to work with systems in line with any rules about privacy and possible legal restrictions.
between Europe and the US where Europe accepted that the US servers were safe to store data on European citizens and companies.
3. Candidates will analyse and evaluate the interoperability requirements and suggest solutions
3.1 I can analyse system needs based on effectiveness and efficiency
The improvements will be in terms of how effective it will be or could be. Effectiveness is a qualitative term for the most part. Do the new features make it easy to complete tasks, is it more enjoyable to use and accessible for people with limited prior skills and knowledge. These types of issues will help to make the system work better and therefore be more effective. Issues of efficiency are more quantitative in focus. If the existing system takes a day of technical time to do a back-up, but only takes 5 hours on the cloud based system, this is a clear and visible measure of the efficiency gains. The terms do overlap to some extent and quantitative and qualitative labels should only be used as loose guides in working with this criterion. As long as the candidates written analysis has some examples to back up their claims, then this will be satisfactory.
3.2 I can document and describe system needs to match outcomes
The candidate should be able to write clear and unambiguous documentation to match their outcomes to requirements and needs.
development. Candidates need to look at existing systems and determine some of the areas of weakness (criterion 3.1 above). This information will give them clear objectives to meet and if these have been discussed with the client, meeting these objectives should satisfy the needs. In some cases, clients will be unaware of what is possible, so will
need some clear and understandable guidance. Therefore, the need for clear documentation in this process can not be overstated. The documentation should set out the agreed needs, show analysis and examples of how these should be met, and end with some conclusions about how well these were met.
3.3 I can describe and explain different file types relating to expected needs and outcomes
3.4 I can describe and explain file extensions in terms of strengths and weaknesses
- Cost - does it save the client money? It does not have to be an instantaneous saving and could be something relating to TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) and take several years to be realised.
- Usability - if a small company can use the account management system and not have to rely on external experts to assist them, this is a significant saving in time and money.
- Security - is the backup and storage of their data regular and secure? Is it monitored so that there is always a reliable copy that can be retrieved? The more you pay, the better the future proofing and it is like insurance, it costs a lot, but nowhere near as much as if you don’t buy it and have a disaster.
- Future-proofing - is the solution likely to be around and improve over time or will the cloud company be gone in 3 years and leave you with no access to your valuable data. Some cheap hosting packages use old operating systems and do not update them for you. If you use front-end software that requires up-to-date versions of key software like PHP, you might not always get it or have to struggle to install it yourself.
- Support - is there plenty of help on technical issues or is it all DIY. Most cheaper are that way because the help is via you reading lots of books and web pages or using public forums. This might be enough, but perhaps not for all small businesses.
The assessor should keep a record of assessment judgements made for each candidate and make notes of any significant issues for any candidate. They must be prepared to enter into dialog with their Account Manager and provide their assessment records to the Account Manager through the on-line mark book. They should be prepared to provide evidence as a basis for their judgements through reference to candidate e-portfolios and through signed witness statements associated with the criteria matching marks in the on-line markbook. Before authorizing certification, the Account Manager must be satisfied that the assessors judgements are sound.