Business Management

Level 6 Units
Level 7 Units

Level 6

Level 6, Unit 1 - Corporate Strategy and Planning (25 credits)

1. Be able to critically assess the nature scope and need for corporate strategic planning.

2. Be able to critically evaluate the tools and techniques of analysis for corporate strategic planning decisions.

3. Be able to identify and critically assess strategic options and decisions and choose between them.

4. Be able to critically assess the issues in and approaches to implementing strategies and measuring and controlling corporate strategic performance.

5. Be able to critically evaluate key contemporary issues and future challenges affecting corporate strategic planning.

1.1 Assess the nature of strategy and the reasons for the growth of corporate planning in the contemporary organisation. 2.1 Assess the scope, importance and uses of analysis in the corporate planning process. 3.1 Assess the nature, scope and importance of objectives in corporate strategy. 4.1 Critically assess the organisational and resource elements in the implementation of strategies. 5.1 Critically assess global influences and aspects of corporate strategic planning.
1.2 Critically assess the different models, levels and approaches to strategic planning. 2.2 Critically evaluate the uses and limitations of internal and external analysis techniques in the corporate planning process. 3.2 Critically evaluate the range of strategic options and the considerations in choosing between them. 4.2 Critically assess the importance of issues in and approaches to managing change. 5.2 Critically evaluate corporate strategy in innovative and entrepreneurial organisations.
1.3 Discriminate between alternative corporate strategies adopted in various organisational contexts. 3.3 Critically evaluate ideas and concepts related to the decision-making process. 4.3 Critically evaluate the techniques of strategy evaluation and control. 5.3 Critically assess social, ethical, stakeholder and corporate governance issues in corporate strategy and planning.
3.4 Assess the key evaluative criteria in strategy selection.
3.5 Critically appraise techniques of evaluation and decision making.

Level 6, Unit 2 - Managing in Organisations (25 credits)

1. Be able to compare and evaluate alternative approaches to organisation theory.

2. Understand the key elements in organisational structure and design.

3. Understand managerial processes within an organisational context.

4. Understand the concepts of organisational strategy and organisational goals and their relationship to organisational effectiveness and efficiency.

5. Understand the need for organisational responsiveness to ensure continued effectiveness in the light of external and internal pressures.

6. Understand the processes of organisational change and organisational development.

1.1 Describe the development of organisation theory. 2.1 Define the structural elements for an organisation. 3.1 Explain the main functions and processes of management and their contribution to the achievement of organisational goals. 4.1 Distinguish between organisational effectiveness and organisational efficiency. 5.1 Explain the impact of the external environment on organisational structures and management processes. 6.1 Identify and explain external and internal triggers of change.
1.2 Critically evaluate key alternative approaches for understanding organisations. 2.2 Show how organisation structural elements relate to the achievement of organisational goals. 3.2 Compare analytically, alternative ways in which the functions and processes of management may be conducted. 4.2 Distinguish between organisational goals and organisational strategy. 5.2 Explain the impact of the internal environment on organisational structures and management processes. 6.2 Analyse the likely effect of an organisation's culture on its approach to change.
2.3 Compare and contrast alternative organisational structures through which hierarchy and specialisation may be operationalised. 3.3 Assess managerial processes and make judgements about how they can be improved. 4.3 Explain the concept of pluralism in an organisational context. 5.3 Outline strategies for organisation response to specific issues associated with dynamic environments. 6.3 Explain how to manage the change process and resistance to change, using current theories.
3.4 Distinguish between administrative bureaucracy and rigour in terms of achieving outcomes. 4.4 Relate efficiency and effectiveness to identified strategies. 5.4 Explain the principles of disruptive innovation. 6.4 Provide examples of how inability to cope with change damaged specific businesses.

Level 6, Unit 3 - International Business Case Study (25 credits)

1. Understand the international business environment facing global operators.

2. Be able to develop a strategic business plan for an international organisation.

3. Be able to evaluate the implementation of a strategic business plan.

4. Be able to to evaluate organisational structures for international operations.

5. Understand the importance of leadership, strategic direction and change management within the international business context.

6. Understand the macro-environmental factors that affect international organisations.

1.1 Identify and describe the key challenges facing global businesses and organisations in a changing world. 2.1 Explain the role of strategy in the international context. 3.1 Identify the cross-functional issues that affect the implementation of a business plan. 4.1 Identify key cultural values that impact on the international business dimension. 5.1 Explain the issues underpinning motivation for change. 6.1 Evaluate the impact of national and international political and legal systems on an organisation.
1.2 Describe key features of globalisation and international trade. 2.2 Identify and analyse strategic outcomes using relevant theory and practical business models. 3.2 Prioritise the critical success factors in a business plan and how they are or were supported. 4.2 Assess the role of cultural values in shaping customs and practice in an organisation. 5.2 Explain methods for creating readiness for change. 6.2 Explain how international business solutions are affected by a target country's economic stage of development.
1.3 Identify and prioritise key drivers in the international business environment relevant to a specific business. 2.3 Formulate recommendations embracing domestic as well as international strategies. 3.3 Explain how an international business plan is monitored, measured and controlled. 4.3 Describe a range of methods and approaches to matching organisational structures to international operation. 5.3 Evaluate the strategic role of leadership in developing successful international operations. 6.3 Anaylse and report on the growing importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in relation to a specific business.
1.4 Evaluate the impact of emerging issues on an organisation's international activities. 3.4 Explain the role of financial management in an international business. 4.4 Make recommendations relevant to the needs of the organisation in the international environment. 5.4 Explain the role played by planning in the shaping the future direction of an organisation.
3.5 Compare the outcomes of implementation with stated intentions. 4.5 Describe and explain how communications can be supported across an organisation operating internationally.

Level 6, Unit 4 - Strategic Human Resource Management (25 credits)

1. Understand the nature and benefits of strategic approaches to the management and development of people.

2. Understand the relationship between an organisation’s HR strategy in terms of its lower level human resource activities and the wider corporate goals of the organisation.

3. Understand the design, monitoring and evaluation of HR strategy.

4. Understand the strategies for managing people as a resource.

5. Understand the strategies for learning and development within organisations.

6. Understand the strategies for sustaining good employee relations for the benefit of the organisation.

1.1 Define HR strategy and distinguish between what is and is not strategic. 2.1 Evaluate the nature, benefits and conflicts of vertical integration (best fit and coherence) on an organisation’s corporate and human resource strategies. 3.1 Explain how to conduct an environmental analysis focused on the development and/or refinement of an organisation’s HR strategy. 4.1 Explain strategic approaches to organisational design. 5.1 Identify learning needs in an organisation. 6.1 Explain key legislation related to employment rights and responsibilities.
1.2 Describe the content and context of HR strategy. 2.2 Compare and contrast the significance of vertical and horizontal integration as strategic options. 3.2 Construct an outline HR strategy customised to the needs and aspirations of the organisation to which it applies. 4.2 Apply strategic principles to recruitment and selection processes and practices. 5.2 Explain strategies to maximise the effectiveness of budgets targeted on learning. 6.2 Describe strategies to motivate engagement and commitment of employees to the organisation.
1.3 Relate HR strategy to a range of organisational and business scenarios. 2.3 Recognise the relationship between changes in an organisation’s operational, marketing and financial strategies, and their potential impact on the organisation’s HR strategies. 3.3 Examine and evaluate methods for gaining stakeholder commitment to HR strategy. 4.3 Explain strategic approaches to the deployment, attendance and retention of staff. 5.3 Evaluate an organisation's learning programmes in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. 6.3 Explain how strategies to foster positive relationships can be evaluated.
1.4 Critically evaluate the value added by an organisation’s HR strategy. 3.4 Incorporate appropriate ethical principles and values in a proposed HR strategy. 4.4 Provide a strategic approach to succession planning, for key organisational roles and explain how the approach might be implemented. 6.4 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of performance management and rewards systems on employee motivation.
1.5 Explain the role of authority, influence and power for the human resource strategist. 3.5 Compare methods for monitoring human resource management. 4.5 Relate technology support systems to HR management at a local and global level.
1.6 Justify sources of authority, influence and power in human resource strategies. 3.6 Identify and assess the ways in which the effectiveness of a HR strategy may be measured.
1.7 Critically evaluate key models for strategic human resource management.

Level 6, Unit 5 - Corporate Finance (25 credits)

1. Understand the role of the Corporate Finance Manager in relation to business management including mergers and acquisitions.

2. Understand the main sources of business investment funding including debt and equity and the significance of financial gearing.

3. Be able to evaluate investment decisions using a variety of analytical techniques.

4. Be able to value company shares based on an understanding of established methods of calculation.

5. Understand the factors that determine a company’s dividend policy.

6. Be able to calculate the cost of business capital and compare different sources.

7. Be able to quantify the effect of decisions related to treasury and working capital from given data sets.

1.1 Explain the actions of a finance manager to support business objectives. 2.1 Outline the process for gaining a listing on the Official List or the Alternative Investment Market. 3.1 Explain the principles, benefits and limitations of the following methods of investment appraisal: accounting rate of return, payback, net present value (NPV), profitability indices, and the internal rate of return (IRR). 4.1 Explain the share value of a business based on calculation of: net asset value (NAV), price earnings (PER), free cash flow and dividend valuation. 5.1 Describe the following dividend policies: constant dividends, increasing dividends, zero dividends and fixed percentage dividends. 6.1 Describe and calculate the cost of equity share capital. 7.1 Explain the main areas of treasury and working capital.
1.2 Describe the regulatory environment in which a finance manager operates. 2.2 Explain the roles of advisors in gaining a listing. 3.2 Perform calculations in order to assess investment value. 4.2 Compare the relative merits of each method of share valuation. 5.2 Explain the effect of dividend policies on shareholder wealth. 6.2 Describe and calculate the cost of debt capital. 7.2 Explain with the aid of calculations, the working capital cycle and the cash conversion or operating cycle.
1.3 Explain regulatory constraints on business including the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. 2.3 Compare and contrast the sources of equity finance available to an unquoted company. 3.3 Explain and quantify risk in the investment appraisal process. 4.3 Identify the qualities of a business that are likely to influence the share value. 5.3 Explain the main dividend policy theories including irrelevance and relevance theories. 6.3 Calculate the weighted average cost of capital and analyse its usefulness. 7.3 Calculate, from a given set of figures, a working capital decision on any of the areas of working capital.
1.4 Explain the risks associated with mergers and take overs. 2.4 Explain the differences between ordinary shares, preference shares, rights issues and scrips. 4.4 Calculate the main accounting ratios that can be applied to organisations and explain their significance. 5.4 Explain the effects of dividend policies on company reserves and investment funding. 7.4 Explain overtrading and identify its symptoms.
1.5 Compare the possible benefits of merger and take overs with the associated risks. 2.5 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of ordinary shares, preference shares, rights issues and scrips. 5.5 Explain the main alternatives to cash dividends.
2.6 Identify and explain the main sources of debt finance available to businesses.
2.7 Explain financial gearing and the potential benefits and risks associated with it.

Level 7

Level 7, Unit 1 - Strategic Business Management and Planning (25 credits)

1. Understand the nature, scope and need for strategic business management and planning.

2. Understand a range of classic and contemporary models, concepts and tools in business strategy and planning.

3. Understand the processes by which organisations identify and develop their goals and values.

4. Understand the impact of social, technological, economic, environmental, political, legal, ethical and democratic, (STEEPLED) factors on an organisation.

5. Understand the key forces that present opportunities and threats to organisations.

6. Understand the strategic processes enabling an organisation to achieve competitive advantage.

7. Understand the future challenges affecting strategic business management and planning decisions.

1.1 Explain the scope, nature and characteristics of strategic business management and planning in a global environment. 2.1 Identify classical and contemporary models, concepts and tools that support business strategy. 3.1 Identify the processes by which organisations priotitise and project their goals and values. 4.1 Explain the potential impact of the external environment on organisations, relating it to general principles of organisational strategy. 5.1 Identify the capabilities and competences that allow organisations to achieve competitive advantage. 6.1 Identify the capabilities and competences that allow organisations to achieve competitive advantage. 7.1 Analyse the impact of global trade agreements on strategic business management and planning
1.2 Critically analyse the need for strategic business management and planning in a global environment. 2.2 Critically appraise the use of classical and contemporary models, concepts and tools in supporting business strategy. 3.2 Provide responses to conflicting needs, power and influence of stakeholders on an organisation’s goals. 4.2 Compare and contrast individual elements of the STEEPLED range in terms of their likely impact on a specific organisation. 5.2 Critically analyse strategies by which an organisation positions itself to outperform its competitors. 6.2 Critically analyse strategies by which an organisation positions itself to outperform its competitors. 7.2 Appraise and report on the effects of global warming and the increasing scarcity of commodities on business strategy.
1.3 Appraise the international dimensions of strategic business management and planning. 2.3 Compare and contrast prescriptive and emergent theories of corporate strategy and their relevance to organisations. 3.3 Summarise the influence of corporate governance and regulation on the corporation's strategic approach. 4.3 Identify the sensitivities of an organisation to environmental change and make appropriate recommendations. 5.3 Evaluate the turbulence of environmental change with a focus on the opportunities this can generate. 6.3 Identify and evaluate appropriate strategies for emerging, maturing and declining competitive positions. 7.3 Evaluate the potential opportunities and threats presented by emerging international economies.
1.4 Analyse the different levels of organisational strategy and their relationship with tactical and operational decision making. 4.4 Critically assess the Porter's Diamond theory as a strategic planning tool. 5.4 Describe organisational strategies that can mitigate negative outcomes from environmental change. 6.4 Describe the mechanism for market disruption based on innovation that enables new customers into a market. 7.4 Explain the need for calculated risk taking in response to the impact of the increasingly competitive global environment.
1.5 Explain the distinction between profit and not for profit organisations in terms of strategic business management and planning.

Level 7, Unit 2 - Corporate Strategy, Governance and Ethics in the Global Environment (25 credits)

1. Be able to develop an international business organisation based on analysis of the business environment.

2. Understand the dynamics between an organisation’s resources, products, services and its environment.

3. Be able to evaluate business ethics and their impact in the wider society from a global perspective.

4. Understand the concepts and perspectives of Corporate Governance in an international organisation.

5. Understand how organisations manage corporate governance and ethics so as to achieve corporate goals.

6. Be able to effectively implement and monitor ethical and governance issues in developing an appropriate corporate strategy.

1.1 Assess the relative importance of environmental search for organisations with an international perspective. 2.1 Undertake an audit of an organisation’s tangible and intangible resources to assess congruence with organisational goals. 3.1 Identify potential conflicts of interest between business profitability and social responsibility. 4.1 Identify conflicting perspectives on corporate governance of international organisations. 5.1 Describe the impact of corporate governance and ethics policies on organisational strategy, business operations and costs. 6.1 Outline a framework for corporate governance that includes key ethical considerations.
1.2 Describe the benefits, challenges and risks of operating in an international environment. 2.2 Critically assess the effectiveness of growth strategies in relation to environmental change. 3.2 Critically assess the impact of creating a business ethics institutional framework on business practice. 4.2 Explain how sound practice in corporate governance contributes to the organisational goals of an international company. 5.2 Explain the impact of corporate governance on the internal controls of an organisation in a global context. 6.2 Describe practical organisational arrangements for supervising governance, ethical, environmental and social issues.
1.3 Carry out a case study of an international organisation focused on the organisation and management structure and its relationship with the business environment. 2.3 Critically evaluate an organisation’s products/services in relation to changes in the global environment. 3.3 Explain the moral and ethical questions facing organisations in different cultures and systems. 4.3 Compare the effectiveness of different global models of corporate governance from more than one perspective. 5.3 Devise management strategies that comply with corporate governance and achieve sustainable levels of profitability. 6.3 Analyse a corporate governance policy and identify specific strengths and weaknesses in relation to corporate strategy.
3.4 Analyse the tensions between ethical management, profitability, obligations to shareholders and responsibility in the community. 4.4 Critically assess the institutional elements of corporate governance.
3.5 Explain how conceptual frameworks fundamental to the implicit contract between business and society have changed over time.
3.6 Analyse policy on social and environmental responsibility presented by international organisations for political bias.

Level 7, Unit 3 - Leadership, Change and People Performance (25 credits)

1. Understand the contribution that an organisation’s workforce can make to competitive advantage and the advancement of the strategic vision and values.

2. Understand and apply strategies for people resourcing, retention and development.

3. Understand strategies for enhancing employee commitment and engagement within an organisation.

4. Understand the value of leadership approaches linked to High Performance Working (HPW) at all levels in the organisation.

5. Be able to apply the theories, concepts and tools associated with organisational change to the benefit of the organisation.

1.1 Explain how HR strategies can advance the abilities, motivation and performance of employees. 2.1 Critically explain professional approaches to recruitment by drawing on first hand experience. 3.1 Identify the strategic benefits to be derived by an organisation whose work-force exhibits a high level of employee engagement. 4.1 Compare and contrast attitudes, behaviours and capabilities of effective leaders in the context of HPW culture. 5.1 Explain the significance of change management skills for organisations in the current environment.
1.2 Explain the relationship between HR strategy and corporate strategy with a view to sustained support of organisational objectives. 2.2 Evaluate the rationale for the effective deployment and redeployment of employees. 3.2 Describe the factors which have to be in place or absent before a high level of employee engagement can be achieved. 4.2 Explain the significance of effective leadership in establishing and maintaining an effective HPW culture throughout an organisation. 5.2 Identify the competencies and skills individuals need to enable them to cope with change.
1.3 Critically review the theory, principles and practice of High Performance Working (HPW). 2.3 Evaluate methods for addressing performance issues including absence and punctuality. 3.3 Devise practical strategies for enhancing levels of employee engagement in a range of organisational contexts. 4.3 Describe the value and relevance of key leadership theories, models and frameworks. 5.3 Identify the competencies and skills managers need to enable successful change in others.
1.4 Devise HR strategies intended to maximise employee performance and commitment across a range of specific organisational scenarios. 2.4 Evaluate strategies for enhancing levels of employee retention. 3.4 Evaluate the success of a particular performance strategy in trems of its intended and actual impact. 4.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of key leadership theories, models and frameworks in to-day's context. 5.4 Select systematic techniques appropriate to the effective and efficient management of change within representative corporate scenarios.
1.5 Explain own contribution based on experience and learning as a manager and agent for change. 2.5 Assess the benefits that can be derived from a strong employer brand in terms of maintaining and developing the quality of the work force. 3.5 Contextualise the role of performance review and performance appraisal within an organisation’s improvement, reward and development strategies 4.5 Match appropriate leadership actions and styles to a representative sample of organisational scenarios. 5.5 Identify sources of potential resistance to change including the political dimensions of organisational behaviour.
2.6 Describe actions necessary to develop a strong employer brand. 3.6 Critically analyse the principles and the application of total reward in terms of the employer brand concept. 5.6 Construct practical strategies for reducing or eliminating resistance to change.
2.7 Explain how a corporate approach to staff development can result in a learning organisation. 3.7 Explain the importance of personal and professional development in motivating agents of continuous improvement and transformational change. 5.7 Distinguish between proposed changes that are likely to be of rational benefit to the organisation and those that are for symbolism or political effect.
5.8 Construct a personal development plan that supports change for improvement.

Level 7, Unit 4 - Management of Financial Resources and Performance (25 credits)

1. Be able to use financial statements and other management accounting information to evaluate performance, appreciating the limitations of such analysis.

2. Be able to support the effective management and control of resources through a focus on performance.

3. Understand organisational objectives and methods of financing their achievement including associated risks.

4. Be able to use financial data, techniques and tools to inform long term capital decisions.

5. Understand the international aspects of financial strategy.

1.1 Identify, calculate and interpret key performance ratios from an organisation’s financial statements. 2.1 Critically evaluate contemporary management accounting methods. 3.1 Identify the tensions between financial and strategic objectives and associated risks. 4.1 Appraise capital investment projects, using a range of methods. 5.1 Identify the financial risks of operating in an international market.
1.2 Discuss the limitations of financial statements and consider the impact of these limitations on analysis. 2.2 Explain the role of activity based management as a basis for costing, budgeting and benchmarking. 3.2 Identify and evaluate key sources of finance available to organisations and associated risks. 4.2 Calculate an organisation’s cost of capital and explain the limitations of such calculations. 5.2 Evaluate international investment decisions.
1.3 Use financial statements and other published financial data to evaluate comparative performance. 2.3 Use cost management methods to support lean enterprise, business excellence and value chain analysis. 3.3 Explain the role of treasury management in the financing, risk and control of liquidity. 4.3 Evaluate strategic investment opportunities and financially appraise strategic proposals. 5.3 Analyse financing options for multinationals and overseas subsidiaries.
1.4 Use financial statements and other published financial data to evaluate comparative performance. 2.4 Prepare and present strategic management accounting information to support investment decisions. 3.4 Identify types and sources of risk for organisations including those operating internationally.
1.5 Use marginal cost methods to support short term decision making. 2.5 Use empirical data to inform forecasts of the likely benefits of strategic actions based on prior performance. 3.5 Use appropriate techniques for evaluating and managing an organisation’s risk.
1.6 Identify the strengths and weaknesses in budgetary methods in order to improve value through better budgeting. 2.6 Appraise the impact of resource decisions on an organisation’s performance. 3.6 Prepare and utilise risk management reports.
1.7 Use management accounting information in the planning and control of an organisation’s resources and appraise its effectiveness. 2.7 Use information derived from the processes and activities of an organisation to improve resource allocation.
2.8 Evaluate the use of benchmarking of products, processes and practices to identify opportunities to deliver improved value.

Level 7, Unit 5 - Research Methods and their Application to Marketing (25 credits)

1. Understand the role of research methods, within the context of management, marketing and business.

2. Be able to develop research designs to meet needs.

3. Be able to carry out a practical research project.

4. Understand the theoretical basis under-pinning market research practice.

1.1 Explain the reasons why research is important to marketing. 2.1 Identify a need that has the potential to be satisfied through research. 3.1 Implement a research plan based on a rational design. 4.1 Provide a summary of the main documented findings from previous relevant practical reasearch.
1.2 Identify strengths and weaknesses in the main research philosophies when applied to marketing. 2.2 Select a suitable research method to meet identified needs. 3.2 Collect evidence that is relevant and fit for purpose. 4.2 Relate theories to practice in market research.
1.3 Explain the terms positivism, interpretivism, phenomenology, quantitative research, qualitative research. 2.3 Formulate a market research hypothesis to test using practical research. 3.3 Review and validate evidence. 4.3 Compare and contrast theoretical perspectives on market research.
1.4 Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative research methods. 2.4 Identify potential bias in approaches to gathering evidence. 3.4 Process results using appropriate tools and methods. 4.4 Use personal practical experience to contribute valid and original support for the theoretical base under-pinning market research.
1.5 Describe how to estimate uncertainties in the findings of market research. 2.5 Distinguish between primary and secondary sources of evidence. 3.5 Present findings in an informative and objective style including accuracy and validity of results. 4.5 Describe the main statistical methods for collecting data from large sample groups in quantitative studies.
2.6 Structure a research design with respect to objectives, evidence gathering, information processing, review and reporting. 3.6 Reference sources of information both empirical and theoretical.
2.7 Reference research planning with supporting literature to validate the methods adopted.