NC MFL Unit 1 Listening and Responding
Level 1 Unit 1 - Listening and Responding (MFL)
1. The learner will understand a few familiar spoken words and phrases. |
1.1 I can understand common individual words that are clearly spoken |
1.2 I can understand some simple clearly spoken phrases given gestures or other clues |
Level 2 Unit 1 - Listening and Responding (MFL)
1. The learner will understand a range of familiar spoken phrases. |
1.1 I can respond appropriately to a range of standard language |
1.2 I can increase my range of responses when some items are repeated |
Level 3 Unit 1 - Listening and Responding (MFL)
1. The learner will understand the main points from short spoken passages made up of familiar language |
1.1 I can identify key points in a short simple clearly pronounced spoken passage with some parts repeated |
1.2 I can note personal responses in a short simple clearly pronounced spoken passage with some parts repeated |
Level 4 Unit 1 - Listening and Responding (MFL)
1. The learner will understand the main points and some of the detail from spoken passages made up of familiar language in simple sentences |
1.1 I can discuss in my mother tongue, the main points from a spoken passage delivered in a familiar foreign language |
1.2 I can identify some of the detail in spoken passages if some items are repeated |
Level 5 Unit 1 - Listening and Responding (MFL)
1. The learner will understand the main points and opinions in a range of spoken passages |
1.1 I can understand points and opinions made in familiar but varying contexts |
1.2 I can identify present, past and future events in passages with familiar vocabulary |
1.3 I can improve my consistency of understanding if parts of passages are repeated |
Level 6 Unit 1 - Listening and Responding (MFL)
1. The learner will understand the difference between present, past and future events in a range of spoken material |
1.1 I can identify the difference between present, past and future events in a passage containing familiar language |
1.2 I can understand the difference between present, past and future events in a range of contexts |
1.3 I can identify and note the main points and specific details in passages |
1.4 I can respond to familiar spoken material with little need for repetition |
Level 7 Unit 1 - Listening and Responding (MFL)
1. The learner will understand longer passages and recognise people’s points of view |
1.1 I can understand passages containing some complex sentences |
1.2 I can understand passages that contain some unfamiliar language |
1.3 I can understand passages in a range of contexts |
1.4 I can understand language spoken at near normal speed, and need little repetition |
Level 9 Exceptional Performance Unit 1 - Listening and Responding (MFL)