Reading and Responding

Level 1 Unit 2 - Reading and Responding (MFL)

Level 2 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)

Level 3 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)

1. The learner will understand the main points and personal responses in short written texts in clear printed script made up of familiar language in simple sentences

1.1 I can identify the main points in short written texts
1.2 I can explain personal responses in short written texts
1.3 I can read independently, selecting simple texts
1.4 I can look up new words using a bilingual dictionary or glossary

Level 4 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)

Level 5 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)

Level 6 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)

Level 7 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)

Level 8 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)

Level 9 Exceptional Performance Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)