Reading and Responding
Level 1 Unit 2 - Reading and Responding (MFL)
1. The learner will recognise and read out a few familiar words and phrases. |
1.1 I can read out loud familiar words presented in clear script with visual clues |
1.2 I can read out loud familiar phrases presented in clear script and in a familair context |
Level 2 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)
1. The learner will understand familiar written phrases. |
1.1 I can match sound to print by reading aloud familiar words and phrases |
1.2 I can find out the meanings of new words from books or glossaries |
Level 3 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)
1. The learner will understand the main points and personal responses in short written texts in clear printed script made up of familiar language in simple sentences |
1.1 I can identify the main points in short written texts |
1.2 I can explain personal responses in short written texts |
1.3 I can read independently, selecting simple texts |
1.4 I can look up new words using a bilingual dictionary or glossary |
Level 4 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)
1. The learner will understand the main points and some of the detail in short written texts from familiar contexts |
1.1 I can explain some of the detail in texts that are taken from familiar contexts |
1.2 I can list say the main points by reading the text |
1.3 I can work out meaning from context |
1.4 I can read on my own |
Level 5 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)
1. The learner will understand the main points and opinions in a range of written texts. |
1.1 I can explain the main points and opinions from texts describing present, past or future events |
1.2 I can read authentic materials independently |
1.3 I can read aloud with confidence |
1.4 I can identify key points in reference materials |
Level 6 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)
Level 7 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)
1. The learner will read longer texts, recognising points of view over a range of factual and imaginative material. |
1.1 I can identify several points of view from different texts |
1.2 I can explain the meaning of what I am reading with clarity and detail |
1.3 I can read complex sentences and unfamiliar language with understanding |
1.4 I can respond in speech or writing with new vocabulary and structures found in my reading |
1.5 I can use reference materials when these are helpful |
Level 8 Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)
1. The learner will read unfamiliar material identifying attitudes and emotions. |
1.1 I can read a wide range of complex texts with a good level of understanding |
1.2 I can identify attitudes and empotions in what I read |
1.3 I can cope confidently with unfamiliar topics and more complex language |
1.4 I can extract useful information from a wide range of reference sources |
Level 9 Exceptional Performance Unit 2 - MFL (Reading and responding)
1. The learner will read and understand a wide range of authentic, factual and imaginative texts in familiar contexts. |
1.1 I can describe different points of view, issues and concerns in the texts I read |
1.2 I can extract information from official and formal texts |
1.3 I can summarise, report, and explain extracts from my reading, orally or in writing |
1.4 I can read independently choosing and responding to stories, articles, books and plays |