Evidence for this result |
Link to evidence by result |
Regional Moderator - Andy Stoycheff Assessor trainers - Bulgaria: Andy Stoycheff, Ludmila Yordanova, Romania: Catalin Soare, Georgeta Mureanu, Czech Republic: Katerina Nevralova, Jiri Mensik, Vlastimil Ott, Spain: Ana Fernandez Ruda, Laura Lopez Ruiz, Julio Jiminez Garcia. (Markbook site) Video screen casts to support assessors - http://www.theingots.org/community/videotraining [1] additional videos for Czech [2], Romanian [3] and Spanish [4]. These were initially run from the web site but moved to You Tube to make them more widely visible and to reduce bandwidth demands on the server. On-line training course https://theingots.org/community/assessor_training1 [5] Assessors' Handbook https://theingots.org/community/handbook2 [6] (Language translations and explanations for criteria)
Result 1 [7] Result 2 [8] Result 3 [9] Result 4 [10] Result 5 [11] Result 6 [12] Result 7 [13] Result 8 [14] Result 9 [15] Result 10 [16] Result 11 [17] Result 12 [18] Result 13 [19] Additional Results [20] |
[1] http://www.theingots.org/community/videotraining
[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUnu9XaxpXA
[3] http://ro.theingots.org/community/node/27197
[4] https://theingots.org/community/node/27681
[5] https://theingots.org/community/assessor_training1
[6] https://theingots.org/community/handbook2
[7] https://theingots.org/community/result1
[8] https://theingots.org/community/result2
[9] https://theingots.org/community/result3
[10] https://theingots.org/community/result4
[11] https://theingots.org/community/result5
[12] https://theingots.org/community/result6
[13] https://theingots.org/community/result7
[14] https://theingots.org/community/result8
[15] https://theingots.org/community/result9
[16] https://theingots.org/community/result10
[17] https://theingots.org/community/result11
[18] https://theingots.org/community/result12
[19] https://theingots.org/community/result13
[20] https://theingots.org/community/results+