Entry 3 - Unit 2 - Order Picking and Order Management

Assessor's guide to interpreting the criteria

General Information

  • Entry Level 3 in the Qualification Credit Framework. It is mapped to the National curriculum at levels 3 and 4.
  • The definition of an entry level qualification is to recognize basic knowledge and skills and the ability to apply learning in everyday situations under direct guidance or supervision. Learning at this level involves building basic knowledge and skills and is not geared towards specific occupations.
  • The criteria are designed to provide opportunities to promote numeracy, literacy and social skills as well as ICT capability and are fully compatible with the UK National Curriculum programmes of study with some strengthening of important contemporary issues related to open systems providing support for PLTS and citizenship.
  • Bronze 3 is designed to promote a wider range of participation by providing a progression pathway from Bronze 2 to Level 1 in the RQF and from national curriculum levels 3 and 4 to level 5.
  • The specification for the Entry Level 3 certificate provides an outcome framework for assessment and is not intended to dictate any particular context for learning and so can be used with young children or adults.


  • Standards must be confirmed by a trained Bronze Assessor or higher
  • Assessors must at a minimum record assessment judgements as entries in the on-line mark book on the INGOTs.org certification site
  • It is expected that there will be routine evidence of work used for judging assessment outcomes in the candidates' records of their day to day work. Samples should be available at the annual visit and/or by video conference.
  • Different approaches to learning will be required in order to match differing needs, for example, the needs of children will be different from the needs of adults with learning disabilities.
  • Completing the criteria for this unit entitles the candidate to the Award of the Entry level 3 Unit .  In general, the candidate should demonstrate that criteria related to co-operative behaviour can be sustained over time.
  • We expect at least 15 hours of guided study to be under-taken before this Unit Award is made to those new to computers but discretion can be used to take account of prior learning where this is sensible in individual cases. In terms of making the award, what matters is outcomes.
  • Certificates must be printed on INGOT logo template paper for which there is a charge of 50p per template

Assessment Method

Assessors can use the criteria to determine levels of prior learning through dialog with the candidate, direct observation and any other appropriate and relevant evidence. They can score each of the criteria "L", "S", "H". An "N" indicates no evidence and this is the default setting. "L" indicates some capability but some help still required and the candidate is not secure with that particular criterion. "S" indicates secure mastery of the criterion. "H" indicates that the candidate is operating beyond the basic requirements of the criterion.  If all criteria are matched with "S" or "H" the unit is passed. All criteria must be at least "S" for a pass.

Expansion of the assessment criteria

The Entry 3 learner will be becoming increasingly capable of making use of skills, knowledge and understanding to carry out simple structured tasks and activities with occasional guidance and intervention. They will start to relate tasks to contexts and be aware of consequences of actions for themselves and others. While support and guidance are still needed they will demonstrate increasing capability of working self-sufficiently with simple structured tasks.

An activity will typically be 'structured' when:

    * there are several steps that need to be sequential; and

    * the learner has opportunities to practice the sequence or clear guidance is provided. 

1. The candidate will manage logistics of orders

1.1  I can use a scanner to read codes

The candidate should be able to use a scanner

Evidence: Relevant information in their publications and documents.

Additional information and guidance

Technology helps in stock management a great deal and the use of bar code readers and scanners helps to track what is coming and going from the stock.

1.2 I can use machinery to meet requirements

Candidates should be able to work with their order management system as required

Evidence: From portfolio files and assessor verification.

Additional information and guidance

Depending on where the candidates work, they will be exposed to different equipment to help them carry out their duties.  This could be automation machinery for stick picking or could be pallet lifters.

1.3 I can work with an order picking system

Candidates should be able to work with a variety of order picking devices

Evidence: From portfolio files.

Additional information and guidance

Some goods will be picked mechanically and delivered for packaging without much human intervention.  Candidates need to work with the system they find themselves using.

1.4 I can monitor the inventory

Candidates will be able to demonstrate basic stock management

Evidence: Assessors observation of finalised published work. 

Additional information and guidance

Some inventory may be such that a visual check may be enough, for example if the company sells heavy machinery that does not sell that quickly.  Other good may need some type of computerised check to make sure stocks are at the right levels.

1.5 I can follow the stock rotation

Candidates will be able to keep customer interest high

Evidence: Assessors observation of finalised published work. 

Additional information and guidance

Some stock, such as items of clothing, might be selling poorly due to low visibility.  In stores that have large numbers of different items, stock rotation helps the items get exposure on the shop floor in order to get customer interest.

1.6 I can organise placing of goods

Candidates will be able to carry out effective goods placement

Evidence: Assessors observation of finalised published work. 

Additional information and guidance

Most candidates will be aware if they ever go to a supermarket that some items are placed next to others and it does not always seem understandable.  It is based on retail psychology and research.  Placing sweets by the checkout ensures that people with their children will be badgered into buying more sweets.  Research showed that placing beer near to nappies led to more sales.  It was because husbands were asked to pick up nappies on the way home from work and would therefore buy some beer.  Placement is everything.

1.7 I can prepare and maintain equipment

Candidates will be able to maintain basic tools they use

Evidence: Assessors observation of finalised published work. 

Additional information and guidance

Candidates will use a range of equipment in order management and in order for it to be working full, it needs to be looked after and maintained.  This could be cleaning or checking batteries etc.

1.8 I can apply labels and classify goods

Candidates will be able to prepare stock for sale

Evidence: Assessors observation of finalised published work. 

Additional information and guidance

As new items come into stock or others are replaced, they will need to be labeled and put into the right place, such as the right isle or shelf.  Candidates need to demonstrate this ability.

1.9 I can report on activities

Candidates will be able to talk about what they do

Evidence: Assessors observation of finalised published work. 

Additional information and guidance

The ability to explain what you do to non experts is a good gauge of how well you understand the job.  Candidates should be encouraged to articulate what the job involves and what aspects of it they most like or dislike.


The assessor should keep a record of assessment judgements made for each candidate and make notes of any significant issues for any candidate. They must be prepared to enter into dialog with their Account Manager and provide their assessment records to the Account Manager through the on-line mark book. They should be prepared to provide evidence as a basis for their judgements should it be required by the Principal Assessor or their Account Manager/external moderator. Before authorising certification, the Account Manager must be satisfied that the assessors judgements are sound.