Teacher training course for Romania in UK
Training Programme Schedule
Week I
Day 1
Training will be carried out at the headquarters of receiving partner in the UK.
- Presentation and introductions of all participants
- Establish mixed teams of trainers including Romanian and English people.
- Discuss similarities and differences in open and closed technologies used by Romanians and the UK (Introduce new technologies, and provide acces to open source and free software)
- Tutors present ways in which open source and free software is used in schools and enterprises in the UK
- Romanian participants present different ways in which open source and free software is used in Romania.
- Participants will produce a chart comparing similarities and differences between the use of open source and free software in Romania and UK.
Day 2
Training will be carried out at the headquarters of receiving partner in the UK.
- Methods of working with open source software.
- Methods associated with using Open Source Moodle will VLE explored.
- Every participant sets up a Ubuntu OS
- Devise a simple Moodle course consisting of a web page and short test on its contents
- Show support how learning can be more independent with open source teaching resources using Moodle.
- Participants establish a common set of strategies for developing on-line course in their context
- Discuss ways of developing on-line course in Moodle.
Day 3
Training will be carried out at the headquarters of receiving partner in the UK.
- Paired self and peer assessment to evaluate learning so far
- Demonstration of the use of quizzes and assessment tools in Moodle
- Participants will develop assessment tools in Moodle.
- Participants will insert in the course evaluation questionnaires, records of evaluation.Participants will create assessment items and how to achieve centralized results evaluation.
Day 4
Training will be carried out at the headquarters of receiving partner in the UK.
- Participants will determine a set of criteria on the self-system on-line.
- Participants will create a new lesson in Moodle.
- Participants will create a Moodle account e-portofolio to archive all completed documents within the project .
Workshop: Each participant will create a personalized web page to promote their curricular areas.
Day 5
Participants will perform at the headquarters of the receiving partner in the UK.The following activities will take place:
-Will take place in mixed group activities, discussions will take place on the comparative use of open source and free software.
-they will present how to use technology: Application Program Interfaces (APIs) for web services Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax in creating a lesson. Workshop: each team will conduct a joint lesson using the above technologies.
- will be held mid-term review of the traineeship by completing questionnaires, records of observations and discussions.
-participants will be enrolled on the site INGOT as trainers and will have their own account of utilization.
- discussions on certification INGOT and the possibility of adapting this certification in Romania.
Week 2
Day 1
Participants will perform at the headquarters of the receipt partners.The following activities will take place :
-the INGOT certifications will be presented www.theingots.org),sistem in open source and free software accreditated in UK.
Each participant will have an account on INGOT and will be able to create virtual lessons and the base course online starting from this IT technology.
Workshop: Each participant will create a new lesson online using open source and free software from INGOT.
Participants will continue to create the web page for promoting their own curricular area.
Day 2
Participants will perform at the headquarters of the receipt partners.The following activities will take place :
-certifications for INGOT: Bronze, Silver , Gold and Platinum will be presented.
Workshop: Participants will learn how to use INGOT certifications and to adapt them to the romanian educational system.
Day 3
Participants will perform at the headquarters of the receipt partners.The following activities will take place :
They will learn how to build a webpage in Drupal.
Workshop: Participants will be taught how to create a web page in Drupal.Participants will use the Drupal system to create a new lesson online.
Participants will continue adapting the e-portfolio.
- There will be discussions on research and documentation of a project using open source. "Participants will develop an educational project using open source and free software”.
Day 4
Participants will perform at the headquarters of the receipit partners.The following activities will take place ::
- Debates will take place on the possibility of partnerships between enterprises, ONG s and schools.
- Va avea loc o intalnire cu reprezentanti ai ONG-urilor,intreprinderi si scoli din Birmingham care folosesc “open source” si “Free software”.La aceasta intalnire participantii vor realiza un schimb de informatii in domeniul “open source” si “free software” cu specialist britanici care lucreaza in domeniu.
- Will hold a debate with British trainers from the Training Center who use open source and free software on how to promote open source and free software in enterprises, schools and NGOs uri.In the debate will discuss the programs used during the exchange program that are based on open source and free software.
- participants will learn to use some specific elements open source and free software as part of updating web pages specific curricular areas.
Day 5
Participants will perform at the headquarters of the organization of receipit.Final evaluation of the stahe will take place.The evaluation assessment will consist of presentation by each participant of the online lessons created using open source and free software, an e -portfolio and a web experience
Each participant will present a thematic map with all the achievements of the exchange (the files obsevatie instruments work with open source and free software, etc.At the end of the evaluation, participants will receive a certificate of professional competence, a certified ingot and a Europass mobility certificate
- Activities of monitoring:
The monitoring program will be conducted by a team mixed Romanian-English comprises Catalin Soare (project manager), Alina Voicu (responsible for professional training), Ian Lynch (from the institution responsible for the receipt) and Patrick Hargreves (responsible training) of the institution receiving.
Participants will be guided and monitored throughout the duration of the exchange team
During the exchange of monitoring activities will include:
Monitoring compliance with work program by participants.
- Tracking and guiding participants through discussions of daily individual and group.
- Implement weekly individual questionnaires integration to probation.
- Discussions ongoing with the English team for monitoring
Guardian placement (Ian Lynch) will conduct the following monitoring activities:
Collaborate with the project objectives for placement verification by tracking daily progress of participants.
- Ensure that the tasks participants to be consistent with their training.
- Providing a logistic support to the highest standards.
Estimated use of outcome assessment:
After participating in this seminar, participants will have the following results:
- Will know how to use open source and free software in educational activities.
- They will know how to build a website, a blog and an e-portofolium using open source and free software.
- Will acquire new skills in new information technologies.
- They will know how to make a lesson on-line items including the evaluation of their centralization.
- Will be able to form other people use "opne source and free software at enterprises, ONG s and schools.
Results acquired by each participant in open source and free software will help iv to establish some training in this field for companies, ONG s and schools.
This way participants will start training in this area through the Regional Center for Training of Adult Valcea, Valcea House Teaching Staff Forum and Citizens for Social Action and Civic Education.
Will also run on a regional discussion on the public use of open source and free software in enterprises, ONG s and schools.
Evaluation of participants will be made by a joint team composed of representatives from partner and receipt of the beneficiary.
Assessment will be achieved by:
Change of assessment
- Records of observation
- Assessment questionnaires
- Presentation of an on-line classes and a web page.
- Presentation of a strategy for implementation of open source and free software in Romania at the level of enterprises, schools and ONG s
The evaluation will consist of presentation by each participant of the online lessons created using open source and free software, an e-portfolio and a web experience.
Each participant will present a thematic map with all the achievements of the exchange (work tools with open source and free software, etc.La end of the evaluation, participants will receive a certificate of INGOT and a certified trainer mobility Europass.