Our partners
TLM are commited to working with high quality organisations and the companies mentioned below are trusted partners.
These partners are all dealt with as per the Ofqual Condition of Regulation for Third Parties giving the security to any approved TLM centre that TLM will continue with the delivery and support of qualifications for its registered learners in the unlikely event of a partner failure.
Bulgaria - The National Training Center - Adam Smith Management Center | |
Czech Republic - Euroface Consulting | |
Netherlands - Pro Work | |
Slovenia - Ljudska Univerza Velnje - Adult Education Institution |
Spain - Jaitek | |
UK - BCA | |
UK - Cisco Systems Inc. | |
UK - Consequential Robotics Ltd. | |
UK - NAACE | |
UK - Orange Music Electronic Company & ORANGE MUSIC EDUCATION | |
UK - Pet-Xi | |
UK - Prodigy Learning | |
UK - Robust IT | |
UK - The Modern Baccalaureate | |
OPENUK | UK - The Open Source Consortium |
UK - UKFast | |
NCOSE | USA - National Center for Open Source in Education |
SouthSteps Ltd | |