Religious Education, P scales







P4 - RE

1. The learner will use single elements of communication

2. The learner will show an understanding of 'yes' and 'no'

3. The learner will respond to the feelings of others

4. The learner will participate in activities

5. The learner will demonstrate an appreciation of stillness and quietness

1.1 I can express my feelings using single elements of communication. 2.1 I can demonstrate an understanding of "yes". 3.1 I can begin to respond to the feelings of others. 4.1 I can join in with activities by initiating ritual actions or sounds. 5.1 I can remain still.
2.2 I can demonstrate an understanding of "no". 5.2 I can demonstrate being quiet.

P5 - RE

1. The learner will respond appropriately to simple questions

2. The learner will respond to a variety of new experiences

3. The learner will participate in activities with others

4. The learner will engage in individual reflection

1.1 I can respond appropriately to simple questions about familiar religious events or experiences. 2.1 I can respond to new religious experiences. 3.1 I can join in with activities involving another person. 4.1 I can engage in moments of individual reflection.
1.2 I can communicate simple meanings. 3.2 I can join in with activities involving two other people.

P6 - RE

1. The learner will express their feelings in different ways

2. The learner will respond to others in a group

3. The learner will listen and respond to familiar religious narrative

4. The learner will carry out ritualised actions

5. The learner will show concern and sympathy for others

6. The learner will be aware of their own influence

1.1 I can communicate my feelings in different ways. 2.1 I can respond to others in a group situation. 3.1 I can listen and respond to familiar religious stories, poems and music. 4.1 I can carry out ritualised actions in familiar circumstances. 5.1 I can show concern and sympathy for others in distress. 6.1 I can demonstrate awareness of my influence on events and people.
2.2 I can cooperate when working as part of a small group. 3.2 I can make a contribution to celebrations and festivals.

P7 - RE

1. The learner will listen to and follow religious stories

2. The learner will communicate ideas about religion

3. The learner will evaluate their own work and behaviour

4. The learner will understand religious aspects

5. The learner will understand the needs of others

6. The learner will make purposeful relationships

1.1 I can listen to and follow religious stories. 2.1 I can communicate ideas about religion. 3.1 I can evaluate my own work. 4.1 I can find out about religion through stories, music or drama. 5.1 I know to respect the needs of others. 6.1 I can make purposeful relationships with others.
2.2 I can communicate about life events. 3.2 I can evaluate my behaviour. 4.2 I can answer simple questions about religion.
2.3 I can communicate about experiences. 3.3 I can identify right and wrong from experience.

P8 - RE

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