English - P Scales

P1(i) - English

P1(ii) - English

P2(i) - English

P2(ii) - English

P3(i) - English

P3(ii) - English





1. The learner will understand marks and symbols convey meaning.

2. The learner will make marks or symbols in a preferred mode of communication.

1.1 I know that marks and symbols have meaning. 2.1 I can make marks or symbols.
1.2 I can match familiar marks or symbols. 2.2 I can use a preferred mode of communication.


1. The learner will combine single words, signs or symbols to communicate meaning to a range of listeners.

2. The learner will make attempts to repair misunderstandings without changing the words used.

3. The learner will use a vocabulary of over 50 words.

1.1 I can combine single words, signs or symbols to communicate meaning. 2.1 I can repeat, when misunderstood. 3.1 I can use a vocabulary of over 50 words, signs or symbols.
1.2 I can communicate with a range of listeners. 2.2 I can attempt to repair misunderstandings.
1.3 I can use "yes" and "no" to indicate a need or preference.



1. The learner will use familiar words, symbols and pictures.

2. The learner will match objects to pictures and symbols.

3. The learner will show curiosity about content at a simple level.

1.1 I know the meaning of familiar words. 2.1 I can match objects to pictures. 3.1 I can answer simple questions about the story.
1.2 I know the meaning of familiar symbols. 2.2 I can match objects to symbols. 3.2 I can show curiosity about content.
1.3 I know the meaning of familiar pictures.



1. The learner will initiate and maintain short conversations.

2. The learner will ask simple questions to obtain information.

3. The learner will use prepositions and pronouns.

1.1 I can initiate a simple conversation. 2.1 I can ask simple questions to obtain information. 3.1 I can use simple prepositions.
1.2 I can maintain a short conversation. 3.2 I can use simple pronouns.
1.3 I can communicate what I am doing.
1.4 I can communicate my feelings.



1. The learner will recognise and read a small number of words or symbols linked to familiar vocabulary.

2. The learner will match letters and short words.

1.1 I can recognise a small number of familiar words or symbols. 2.1 I can match pictures.
1.2 I can read a small number of familiar words or symbols. 2.2 I can match letters.
1.3 I can indicate familiar named objects. 2.3 I can match short words.




1. The learner will listen, attend to and follow stories for a short period of time.

2. The learner will follow requests and instructions with 4 key words, signs or symbols.

3. The learner will attend to and respond to, questions about experiences, events and stories.

1.1 I can listen to a short story. 2.1 I can follow requests containing 4 key words, signs or symbols. 3.1 I can respond to questions about a story.
1.2 I can follow a short story. 2.2 I can follow 2 related instructions. 3.2 I can respond to questions about an event.
3.3 I can respond to questions about an experience.
3.4 I can listen attentively to information from others.




1. The learner will use phrases with up to 4 key words, signs or symbols.

2. The learner will communicate about own experiences.

3. The learner will use an extensive vocabulary to convey meaning to the listener.

4. The learner will use possessives.

5. The learner will participate in role play with confidence.

6. The learner will use conjunctions that suggest cause.

1.1 I can use phrases with up to 4 key words, signs or symbols. 2.1 I can communicate about my experiences to a peer. 3.1 I can use a range of vocabulary when communicating. 4.1 I can use possessives. 5.1 I can participate in role play. 6.1 I can use conjunctions to suggest cause.
2.2 I can communicate about my experiences to a group. 3.2 I can convey meaning to the listener. 4.2 I can discuss ownership. 5.2 I can discuss roles in a role play.
3.3 I can use regular plurals confidently. 5.3 I can participate in familiar rhymes and songs.



1. The learner will understand that words, symbols and pictures convey meaning.

2. The learner will recognise or read a growing repertoire of familiar words or symbols.

3. The learner will recognise at least half the letters of the alphabet.

4. The learner will associate sounds with patterns in rhymes, with syllables and with words or symbols.

1.1 I know that words convey meaning. 2.1 I can recognise familiar words. 3.1 I can recognise at least half the letters of the alphabet. 4.1 I can associate sounds with patterns in rhymes.
1.2 I know that symbols convey meaning. 2.2 I can read a growing repertoire of familiar words or symbols. 3.2 I can sequence letters. 4.2 I can associate sounds with syllables.
1.3 I know that pictures convey meaning. 2.3 I can recognise my own name. 4.3 I can associate sounds with words or symbols.
1.4 I can create a short story.


1. The learner will show awareness that writing can have a range of purposes.

2. The learner will understand how text is arranged on the page.

3. The learner will use a preferred method of communication to set down names with appropriate use of upper / lower case letters or appropriate symbols.

1.1 I can produce a short story. 2.1 I can arrange text correctly. 3.1 I can use a preferred method of communication.
1.2 I can produce a letter. 2.2 I can sort words and letters from numbers. 3.2 I can produce or write my name.
1.3 I can produce a list. 2.3 I can leave spaces between words. 3.3 I can use capital letters appropriately.
1.4 I know that writing can have a range of purposes. 3.4 I can use some symbols appropriately.

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