Science, P Scale | Ingot - Qualifications provided by TLM - Ofqual Regulated Awarding Organisation

Science, P Scale

P1(i) - Science

P1(i) - Physical Processes

P1(i) - Materials and their properties

P1(i) - Life processes and living things

P1(ii) - Science

P1(ii) - Physical Processes

P1(ii) - Materials and their properties

P1(ii) - Life processes and living things

P2(i) - Science

P2(i) - Physical Processes

P2(i) - Materials and their properties

P2(i) - Life processes and living things

P2(ii) - Science

P2(ii) - Physical Processes

P2(ii) - Materials and their properties

P2(ii) - Life processes and living things

P3(i) - Science

P3(i) - Physical processes

P3(i) - Materials and their properties

P3(i) - Life processes and living things

P3(ii) - Science

P3(ii) - Physical processes

P3(ii) - Materials and their properties

P3(ii) - Life processes and living things

P4 - Science

P4 - Scientific Enquiry

P4 - Physical processes

P4 - Materials and their properties

P4 - Life processes and living things

P5 - Science

1. The learner will participate in activities focused on the anticipation of and enquiry into specific environments

2. The learner will match objects and materials in terms of single features or properties

3. The learner will indicate the before and after of material changes

4. The learner will try out a range of equipment in familiar and relevant situations

5. The learner will respond to simple scientific questions

1.1 I can take part in activities related to anticipation of specific environments. 2.1 I can match objects by a single feature or property. 3.1 I can indicate a material before a change has occurred. 4.1 I have experienced a range of equipment. 5.1 I can respond appropriately to simple scientific questions.
1.2 I can take part in activities related to enquiry into specific environments. 2.2 I can match materials by a single feature or property. 3.2 I can indicate a material after a change has occurred. 4.2 I can use equipment in familiar and relevant situations.
3.3 I can observe a material changing during a test.

P5 - Scientific Enquiry

P5 - Physical processes

P5 - Materials and their properties

P5 - Life processes and living things

P6 - Science

1. The learner will recognise different features of objects

2. The learner will make generalisations, connections and predictions from regular experience

3. The learner will sort materials according to a single criterion when the contrast is obvious

4. The learner will closely observe the changes that occur

5. The learner will identify some appliances that use electricity

6. The learner will show knowledge of some sources of sound and light

1.1 I can recognise different features of objects. 2.1 I can carry out a simple test. 3.1 I can sort materials according to a single criterion. 4.1 I can observe changes that occur in a materials state during tests. 5.1 I can identify appliances that use electricity. 6.1 I can show knowledge of some sources of sound.
1.2 I can compare features of objects. 2.2 I can make connections from regular experience. 6.2 I can show knowledge of some sources of light.
2.3 I can make predictions from regular experience.

P6 - Scientific Enquiry

P6 - Physical processes

P6 - Materials and their properties

P6 - Life processes and living things

P7 - Science

P7 - Scientific Enquiry

P7 - Physical processes

P7 - Materials and their properties

P7 - Life processes and living things

P8 - Science

1. The learner will show they have observed patterns or regular changes in features of objects, living things and events

2. The learner will make some contribution to planning and evaluation and to recording their findings

3. The learner will identify a range of common materials and know about some of their properties

4. The learner will sort materials using simple criteria and communicate their observations of materials in terms of these properties

5. The learner will make their own observations of changes in light, sound or movement that result from actions

1.1 I can show that I have observed patterns of regular changes in objects. 2.1 I can contribute to planning my work. 3.1 I can identify a range of common materials. 4.1 I can sort materials using simple criteria. 5.1 I can make observations of changes in light that result from actions.
1.2 I can show that I have observed patterns of regular changes in living things. 2.2 I can make predictions, from experience. 3.2 I know about some of the properties of common materials. 4.2 I can communicate observations of materials. 5.2 I can make observations of changes in sound that result from actions.
1.3 I can show that I have observed patterns of regular changes in events. 2.3 I can make some contribution to evaluating my findings. 5.3 I can make observations of changes in movement that result from actions.
2.4 I can contribute to recording my findings.

P8 - Scientific Enquiry

P8 - Physical processes

P8 - Materials and their properties

P8 - Life processes and living things

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